Pastor and Youth Minister Gathering
Tuesday, September 17 from 10:00am - 2:00pm
All priests, deacons, youth & campus ministers, and principals are invited to this gathering! Join Francine Costantini, the Director of Youth Ministry, along with special guests Bishop Malesic and Aaron Richards as we reflect on the state of youth ministry in our diocese and identify ways to and support and minister to young people, especially in light of the upcoming Jubilee Year of Hope. Aaron will also be leading a clergy breakout on Fatherhood as the Key to Leadership. Aaron Richards is the Executive Director with Damascus Catholic Mission Campus and Catholic Youth Summer Camp. Aaron is a gifted and personally invested worship leader, musician, teacher, and evangelist, and a native of Columbus. He and his wife Monica are raising a mission family with their five beautiful children. Lunch will be provided.
Event Contact: Francine Costantini