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Hispanic Ministry - Marriage Retreat

Saturday, February 8, 9:00am - Sunday, February 9, 4:00pm

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Hispanic Ministry - Marriage Retreat

Enjoy your marriage by living God's plan. During these two days of retreat, couples will have the opportunity to receive comprehensive training and acquire the necessary tools to enrich and fully enjoy their marriage.

Our guest presenter, Jose Juan Valdez, is part of a new cohort of writers and lecturers in the Catholic Church. He is originally from Romita, Guanajuato, Mexico, and is married to Alba Iris Valdez, who often joins him in presenting workshops, retreats and conferences for couples and families; they have three children: Natalia, Diego and Emilio..

Disfruta tu matrimonio viviendo el plan Dios. En estos dos días de retiro, las parejas tendrán la oportunidad de formarse integralmente y adquirir herramientas necesarias para enriquecer y disfrutar de su matrimonio a plenitud.

José Juan Valdez es parte de la sangre nueva de escritores y conferencistas en la Iglesia Católica. Es originario de Romita Guanajuato, México, casado con Alba Iris Valdez, con quien comparte talleres, retiros y conferencias para matrimonios y familias; tienen tres hijos: Natalia, Diego y Emilio.

Feb 8, 2025 - 9am until 8pm
Feb 9, 2025 - 9am until 4pm

Cost is $100 per couple.

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