OCIA #2: Accompaniment & Practical Application
Saturday, December 14 from 10:00am - 12:00pm
First use of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) texts, 2024 translation, is the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024. Mandatory use of these texts is Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The upcoming publication of the revised edition of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults offers an opportunity to renew our celebration and pastoral practice of this process. The Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office will offer a 2-part workshop series to focus on what has changed with the revised edition, the vision of OCIA, and celebration of the Rites and Rituals of OCIA. These formation sessions are intended for Clergy, OCIA teams, Liturgists, Catechetical Leaders, and Music Directors. There is no cost to attend, but registration is requested.
Event Contact: Michelle Nowak