The Diocesan Memorandum (formerly the Clergy Memorandum) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.
[Omissis - declaration of excommunication]
Home Mission Collection | April 29-30, 2023
The Catholic Home Mission Appeal Collection will be taken up the weekend of April 29-30, 2023, to assist struggling dioceses in the United States. Click here for Bulletin inserts.
Missionary Cooperation Program
The Missionary Cooperation Program (MCP) increases missionary awareness among the faithful whose donations, in turn, help the missionary organizations to continue their evangelization efforts and maintain their congregations, seminaries and convents. If your parish is participating in the 2023 MCP, you may find a listing of the missionary groups and their ministries helpful in preparing your parish bulletin the weekend of their visit.
You are also reminded that the MCP collection should NOT be sent to the missionary organization. It should be sent to the Diocesan Mission Office.
Office of Catechetical Services Collection: | May 13-14, 2023
Each year in the Diocese of Cleveland, a special collection is taken up in all the parishes to support the ministries of the Office of Catechetical Services. This Diocesan Secretariat focuses on providing guidance and support that promotes the evangelizing mission of the Church through the catechetical efforts of all parishes and Newman Campus ministries in the Diocese. Ministries which will benefit from this collection include: faith formation for adults, teens and children, and family-based faith formation, as well as the ongoing formation of Parish Catechetical Leaders and catechists as missionary disciples. Newman Catholic Campus Ministries provides opportunities for students to deepen a relationship with Christ through prayer and worship, community, faith and Bible studies, retreats and service. This year the collection will be held on the weekend of 13-14 May 2023. A contribution to the Office of Catechetical Services is an investment in the faith formation of people of all ages throughout the Diocese of Cleveland. Please encourage giving to this very special collection.
May 2023 Liturgical Calendar
Blessing of Mothers on Mothers’ Day, May 14, 2023
When Mothers’ Day occurs during the Easter season, the Mass of the Sunday is always celebrated. However, intercessions and a prayer over the people are provided in the Book of Blessings. The prayer over the people may replace the solemn blessing of the Easter season. (BB 1724-1728).
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, May 21, 2023
In the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is not celebrated on Thursday, May 18, but is transferred to the following Sunday, May 21, 2023. Scriptures and Orations for all Vigil and Sunday Masses should celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord, not the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
Solemnity of Pentecost, May 28, 2023
Masses after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 27, celebrate the Vigil of Pentecost, either extended form or simple form. The extended form of the Pentecost Vigil resembles the Easter Vigil, in that four Scripture readings, psalms, and corresponding prayers are proclaimed prior to the singing of the Glory to God. The Collect follows the Gloria, and the Epistle reading follows the Collect. After this, the extended Vigil Mass proceeds as the simple Pentecost Vigil. Masses on May 28 should celebrate the Pentecost Mass during the Day.
The Easter candle is lit at all Masses on the Solemnity of Pentecost and, if possible, at Evening Prayer. The Easter season ends with the conclusion of Vespers. If Vespers is not celebrated publicly, the Easter candle might be borne in procession at the end of each Sunday Mass as a sign that the Easter season has come to an end.
The Order for Visiting a Cemetery on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023
“This order is a solemn commemoration…[and]…may be used on All Souls Day, Memorial Day, or on the anniversary of the death or burial.” It may also be adapted by individuals visiting a grave (BB 1734-1735).
Recording of the sacrament of confirmation at combined parish liturgies
Confirmation record book. Most parishes are now grouped with one or more other parishes for a visit from a bishop to celebrate the sacrament of confirmation. The parish in which the confirmation liturgy takes place must record all of the confirmations in its confirmation record book, must issue confirmation certificates based on this record, and must notify the parishes of baptism. Parishes sending confirmandi to the liturgy should ensure that all the relevant information is provided to the hosting parish in a timely manner. These confirmations are not to be recorded in the confirmation record books of the parish(es) which sent confirmandi to the combined parish liturgy. However, in order to ensure that the confirmation record can be located in the future, parishes sending confirmandi to the combined parish liturgy may note “Confirmation candidates from this parish were confirmed at [Name] Parish, [City], on [date]” as a line entry at the appropriate place in the parish confirmation record book.
Status Animarum statistical report. For the annual Status Animarum statistical report, parishes must report the number of confirmandi prepared for confirmation from that parish, even if they received the sacrament of confirmation at a combined parish liturgy. The parish hosting the combined parish liturgy must not report all of the confirmations which took place there, but only those confirmandi prepared in their own parish.
Fund A Dream
Fund A Dream has had a banner year, and we plan to build on this success for the coming school year. Please note that a special appeal is being made by Fund A Dream Chairperson, Lorraine Dodero, to Catholic Education benefactors throughout the Diocese of Cleveland, with an invitation to sponsor a student for the upcoming 2023/2024 school year.
2023 Catholic Charities Appeal – A time to heal. A time to help.
The 2023 In-Pew Weekend took place February 18-19thand new gifts are coming in. Thank you to all the pastors for inspiring those to give. Please keep sharing our materials on social media and send in those envelopes.
Parishes can go to for updated parish stats to see how well their parish is doing. You can also find bulletin announcements to keep parishioners engaged.
Visit to view the videos or read the stories of those impacted by your gifts. Click here to donate online.
Email Sarah Gozur or call 216-696-6525 x1910 with questions or for additional information.
The Demkee Family Scholarship
Who is eligible: students from Wayne and Summit Counties who are attending The University of Akron. Guidelines and the application can be found here. The application deadline is May 1st.
Health Care Open Enrollment
All participating entities should have received a memo via email dated March 1 with the rate chart for the 2023/2024 plan year. If your employees wish to make any changes to their coverage, Health Care Plans - Enrollment/Change forms must be received by the Health Benefits Office no later than May 12. Any changes will be effective July 1. Also, a reminder that incentive forms are due by May 1. Forms and information can be found at Email the Employee Benefits Office, or call (216) 696-6525, ext. 5040 with any questions.
The diocesan team for the Eucharistic Revival has been working hard to develop resources to support parishes during the Year of Parish Revival. We encourage you to visit our website,, and click on the “Parish Revival” tab for more information. The website will be updated regularly with new content, so please check back often.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. While the global trauma of the pandemic continues to impact all of us, we can be a part of the solution to provide safe, healthy, and happy environments for our kids. This year the USCCB did not provide any new updates to their materials. You can find the previous year’s valuable resources which are still timely and accessible here. It includes items such as suggested virtual activities; homily helps; sample social media posts; and other good ideas to raise awareness about child abuse prevention. For questions, email Sharon Minson.
African Presence in Scripture | April 26-28, 6:30-8:30 pm | Jesuit Retreat Center
Fr. Charles Smith, SVD, of the Bowman-Francis Ministry in Indianapolis will present this mini–Scripture course. All are welcome. To register, email Martha Hamilton or call 216-696-6525 ext. 4530.
Good Friday Procession & Liturgy | April 7, 11 am-3 pm
Procession will depart from St. Michael the Archangel in Cleveland with a stop at St. Colman for the Liturgy of the Word. The procession will continue to La Sagrada Familia for the Communion Service and Veneration of the Cross.
Instituto Emaús / Escuela de Discípulos Misioneros | Topic: Cultural Diversity | Saturday, April 29, 9 am-4 pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership
In this course, we will study cultural diversity within the United States and examine our identity as Latinos and our relationship with other cultural and ethnic communities. We will reflect on these differences and the ways we can respond, participate and become integrated into society and the Catholic Church in the United States. || Es este curso se estudiará la diversidad cultural dentro de los Estados Unidos. Se examinará nuestra identidad como latinos y nuestra conexión con otros grupos culturales y étnicos. Dentro de estas diferencias se verá la manera en la que podemos responder, participar e integrarnos a la sociedad y a la Iglesia católica de los Estados Unidos.
April Workshop for LEM candidates
Monday, April 24, 2023 | EUCHARIST: Forming Intentional Disciples | Sherry Weddell, Presenter | Option 1: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, St. Albert the Great, North Royalton | Option 2: 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Center for Pastoral Leadership, Aula Room | Final Call to Register
Marriage Enrichment Date Night, Lorain County | Saturday, May 20, 5:30-7:30pm | Our Lady Queen of Peace, Grafton
Topics covered will include "The Five Love Languages" and Couple Prayer. The Five Love Languages is a great tool to use not only with your spouse, but also your family. Mass starts at 4:30 PM. Dinner will immediately follow in the Parish Center. Presenter: Terri Yohman, Director of Marriage and Family Ministry. Register here.
Back by Popular Demand:
Anne and Joachim Grandparenting Workshop | Monday May 22, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm | St Francis de Sales, Akron | The day will include brunch and Mass. Cost is $10 per person. Register online.
Hope and Healing
Red Bird Ministries provides resources for those dealing with infant loss or pregnancy loss. We are looking for one or two parish contacts in each county to help develop this ministry. If you have couples that have experienced such loss, please ask them to contact Terri Yohman for more information.
Cursillo Movement in Cleveland
In June 2021, our Diocese was blessed by Bishop Malesic’s appointment of Fr. Joseph McNulty as the Cleveland Diocesan Spiritual Director of the International Cursillo Movement (CM).
Founded in Mallorca Spain in the early 1940’s, the Cursillo Movement can only be understood by experiencing the transformative power of the lay and spiritual talks, woven together with Mass, Confession, and Adoration during the three-day Cursillo weekend. This “Short Course in Christianity” (Cursillo de Cristiandad) invites those who make the Cursillo weekend to live the “life in Grace.”
For more information about the Cursillo movement in Cleveland, visit the website here or contact: Mike Johns: 216-780-3248; Ed Pfeiffer: 330-322-9452; John Ricchiuto: 330-636-0461; Dave Fogle: 330-968-7914
YM Bootcamp: Gender Identity | April 28, 10am-12pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership, Aula Room | Optional lunch at noon.
Fr. Joseph Koopman will be leading this workshop on gender identity. He will share the theology on the topic, as well as discuss practical applications in our ministry with young people, how to teach your teens, and how to accompany those who struggle with this with gender identity. Register by April 25.
Blessed Carlo Institute for Youth Ministers | August 8-11, 2023 | Center for Pastoral Leadership
Registration is now open for our second year of this adventure to form and equip youth ministers. Fr. Damian Ference and Francine Costantini are the Co-Directors of this four-day, three-night summer institute. Seminary faculty will teach classes, ministry experts will lead workshops, and we will have off-campus excursions. Learn more here.
Hiring a Youth Minister
If you are seeking help hiring a youth minister, please reach out to our office for resources. Email Francine Costantini.
IGNITE Young Adult Conference | Saturday, April 29, 2023 | Downtown Cleveland Marriott
Doors open at 8 am. Conference begins at 9 am, concluding with Mass at the Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Malesic at 4:30 pm. Themes of Identity, Community, and Mission will be explored with young adults from the diocese and beyond. Cost is $55/person.
Click here for more information and to register. To sponsor the event, click here.
Station Church Pilgrimage on Holy Thursday | Thursday, April 6, 2023
There is an ancient Catholic tradition in the city of Rome to visit seven churches after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in each of those seven churches. In the spirit of this Roman tradition, we have designated twenty-one of our churches to keep their churches open until 11pm on Holy Thursday. We invite you to visit seven of those churches and pray our diocesan prayer for Eucharistic Revival at each church. Click here to learn more.
Life in the Spirit Seminar: Raise Up Jesus! | Friday and Saturday, April 21 & 22 | Our Lady of Angels Parish
Sponsored by Catholic Renewal Ministries. Starts at 7pm Friday and 9am on Saturday. Registration fee is $25 per person. Lunch is included. Register online by April 14.
Board Members Needed:
Rose-Mary, The Johanna Grasselli Rehabilitation and Education Center, Inc. has been supporting individuals with disabilities for over 100 years. Currently Rose-Mary serves over 75 children and adults in small group homes and operates an adult day program. A strong and supportive board is necessary to help us continue providing these services. If you would like to learn more about Rose-Mary and how you can support the most vulnerable, please reach out to Executive Director, Gina Kerman.
Catholic Charities Summit County ‘Derby for Dollars, May 5
Catholic Charities Summit County will induct five individuals into its Hall of Honor (HOH) as part of a its 7th annual ‘Derby for Dollars’ event Friday, May 5, at Portage Country Club. The class of 2023 includes Philip Maynard (posthumous), Gail Angeletti, David Bedell, Linda Nuosci, and Deacon William Yoho. Derby for Dollars supports Catholic Charities Summit County's Emergency Assistance Services. Along with inspiring stories and fellowship, Derby for Dollars will feature a fantastic southern-themed menu, a silent auction, bourbon/whisky raffle, and 50/50. Master of Ceremonies will be Ray Horner, host of the Ray Horner Morning Show on 1590-WAKR in Akron. Ticket and Sponsor information can be found here. For more information, email Carl Bako or call 330-524-4196.
First Friday Club of Cleveland
Sr. Christine De Vinne, OSU, PhD, The Challenge & Promise of Catholic Higher Education | Thursday, April 6, 2023 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm | The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor, Cleveland OH 44114 | Registration and more information click here.
Saint Agnes Parish Elyria, has approximately 90 to 100 copies of the 3-year cycle, Journey Songs 3rd edition hard copy, eighth printing October 2017, OCP, available to any parish that would like them, they just need to be picked up. Email Deacon Bruce Tennant or call 440 822 0108.
Jesuit Retreat Center Programs, 5629 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
For more information on the programs listed below, please click here or call 440-884-9300.
Contemplative Stations of the Cross | Sunday, April 2, 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Bill Hobbs and Margaret Mach, SC | Free Will Offering
Triduum Silent Retreat | Thursday, April 6, 3:00pm - Sunday, April 9, 10:00am | $325
April Morning Prayer for Women | Monday, April 17, 9:30am - 11:00am | Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C. | Free Will Offering (walk-ins welcome, registration not required).
April Sabbath Days - a Personal Retreat Day | Monday, April 24, 8:30am - 3:30pm | $50
Cinema & Conversation: Pope Francis: A Man of His Word | Monday, April 24, 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Free Will Offering (walk-ins welcome, registration not required).
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Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here.
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