Full Time
Director of Music: Mary Queen of the Apostle Parish
Position Summary:
The Director of Music serves as the principle musician and vocalist for the parish and is responsible for the preparation of all liturgical music as well as training and organization of volunteers in various aspects of music ministry.
The mission of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish is to Encounter God, Form Disciples, Accompany Others. This intentional ordering of priorities begins in our individual and communal connection with God, from which we are inspired to grow in faith, and ultimately sent as missionary disciples. Thus, the experience of liturgy is foundational to our mission as it provides the essential encounter with God. Therefore, we must provide what God and his People are owed—liturgy that is offered reverently with the mind of the Church. The Director of Music provides indispensable leadership in creating, fostering, and furthering this foundational aspect of our mission.
In order to provide the envisioned liturgical experience, we are seeking to develop a music ministry that draws the hearts and minds of those gathered toward the Heavenly reality, connects the assembly with liturgical action, encourages purposeful participation, fosters delight in prayer, and confers solemnity upon the sacred work of the Church.
Position Responsibilities:
1. Strategic preparation
Plan musical selections for the celebration of Mass in accord with the vision of the Pastor ahead of each liturgical season
Recruit, train, and maintain a parish choir and other ensemble groups; develop individual cantors and musicians as part of a robust music ministry
Grow the musical repertoire of the parish with a focus on traditional hymnody and chant with the capability to include contemporary praise and worship; lead selection process for new hymnal(s)
Remain aware of Church and diocesan guidelines for the use and inclusion of music in liturgical celebrations
Ensure observance of copyright laws and licensing compliance
Provide budgetary input for music ministry
Arrange for the maintenance and upkeep of piano, organ, and other musical instruments/audio equipment
2. Purposeful execution
Provide leadership for the musical components of three weekend Masses, Holy days, funerals, weddings, and other liturgies including a monthly holy hour
Meet with engaged couples to oversee musical selections for the Rite of Marriage
Communicate with families during the planning of funeral liturgies as needed
3. Other
Attend weekly staff meetings, quarterly staff luncheons, and annual staff retreat
Maintain an orderly space within the church for music ministry and liaison with maintenance as necessary
Strive to grow spiritually and professionally, sharing the fruits of your journey
Complies with necessary background checks and Virtus certification
The ideal candidate understands him- or herself as a servant of the liturgy
Ability to play the piano is required, organ desired as well
Ability to serve as cantor and/or vocalist
Strong familiarity with Catholic liturgy, liturgical documents, and a willingness to engage in ongoing formation
Previous parish or related experience is highly desired
The Director of Music is a member of the parish staff who works in close collaboration with other staff members and volunteers. This is envisioned as a full-time position, although a part-time solution is possible if certain responsibilities can be met. Compensation will meet what is due a full- or part-time employee and may be influenced by experience and education. As a full-time employee, the Director of Music will maintain a personal office.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, two professional references, and a character reference to Fr. Michael Petkosek at mpetkosek@dioceseofcleveland.org or by U.S. mail to 6455 Engle Rd., Brook Park OH 44142. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.