Blessed Carlo Institute for Youth Ministers
Tuesday, August 8, 8:00am - Friday, August 11, 3:30pm
The Blessed Carlo Institute for Youth Ministers is a four-day, three-night experience of formation that includes classes taught by seminary professors, workshops by ministry experts, off-campus excursions, daily Mass, and more. You will be hosted at the Center for Pastoral Leadership.
Cost (including meals and lodging at the seminary):
$400 - for those in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
$500 - for those outside the diocese
Details can be found here.
Who should join us? Those who minister to middle or high school teens and want formation for their own personal growth, as well as to equip them to minister to this generation better. Parish youth ministers, school campus ministers, youth ministry volunteers, Parish Catechetical Leaders, teachers, catechists, and more are welcome!
Spots are very limited.
If you register BEFORE May 15 and you are NOT a Cleveland youth minister or campus minister, your registration will be on hold until May 15 as priority will be given to youth ministers and campus ministers who work at a parish or school in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. You will be notified the week of May 16 if we have a spot for you.
Event Contact: Francine Costantini