The holiday season is quickly approaching and once again St. Augustine Catholic Church through its St. Augustine Hunger Center is preparing to serve over 17,000 meals on Thanksgiving day at 19 centers throughout Cuyahoga and Lorain counties.
We will serve meals at two halls at St. Augustine Hunger Center and three other churches in the Tremont/West side area, four centers on the east of Cleveland, one center in Garfield Heights, and one in Lorain County. In addition, we will serve residents only at seven other sites. Finally, the majority of our meals will be delivered to homebound people throughout the Cleveland, Akron and Lorain area. Our volunteers will provide transportation to meal sites for those who need it.
The St. Augustine Hunger Center currently serves 500-600 meals every day. We hope that donations received in preparation for Thanksgiving will not only assist us in providing this special meal, but will also enable us to offer three meals every day through November and December. We ask for your prayers for our work among the poor and disabled and if you are able to please make a donate to the St. Augustine Hunger Center. Secure on-line donations can be made at:, and the mailing address is: St. Augustine Church, 2486 West 14th Street, Cleveland, OH 44113.