An interfaith seminar addressing Faith Perspectives on Immigration will be held on Monday, January 31, 2011 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Avenue in Cleveland. This interfaith seminar is sponsored by: the Cleveland Ecumenical Institute for Religious Studies; the American Jewish Committee; and the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.
The seminar program will be structured in three parts: I. Theological and Scriptural Foundations for Thinking about Immigration with Rabbi Stephen Weiss, Senoir Rabbi, B'nai Jerusalem Congregation; Reverend Tony Minor, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries; and Reverend John Stowe, OFM Conv., Vicar Provincial of Conventual Franciscans, Our Lady of Consolation Province. II. Immigration Realities with David Leopold, President, American Immigration Lawyers Association, and Board Member, American Jewish Committee/Cleveland. III. Prophetic Leadership on Immigration with Most Reverend John C. Wester, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, and past-Chair, USCCB Committee on Migration.
The primary audience to benefit from attending this seminar would include clergy, religious and lay leaders in education, faith formation or social ministry. The cost per person is $20, which includes breakfast and lunch. Free parking will be available from Prospect Avenue.
To register for the seminar, make a $20 check payable to CEIRS and mail it to: Cleveland Ecumenical Institute, 2747 Fairmount Boulevard, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106.
For additional information, contact: Sr. Rita Mary Harwood, SND, Secretary for Parish Life and Development, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland at (216) 696-6525, ext. 2200.
Review flier and registration form>