Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), sent a message of support to Archbishop Louis Kebreau of Cap Haitien, president of the Bishops? Conference of Haiti, on the first anniversary of the tragic earthquake that struck Haiti one year ago (January 12, 2010).
?I express the ongoing concern and support of our Conference for the Church and people of Haiti,? Archbishop Dolan said. ?As we all gather to prayerfully remember the dead, as well as those still grieving and suffering, we call on the Lord?s unfailing presence, to strengthen us all and the bonds of communion and solidarity that have bound us together in the wake of this tragedy.?
Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans is traveling to Haiti for the commemorative Mass and will personally deliver Archbishop Dolan?s message. Also traveling with the U.S. bishops? delegation are Bishop Richard Malone of Portland, Maine, representing the board of Catholic Relief Services, and Patrick Markey, executive director of the USCCB National Collections office.
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As the first anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti last year approaches, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites U.S. Catholics to stand in prayerful solidarity with the people of Haiti.
?Haiti and its people still very much need our prayers and solidarity,? said Archbishop Wenski, chairman of the Special Advisory Group for Haiti at the USCCB. ?As we approach the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti, we join together with parishes, Catholic schools, youth groups, colleges and universities from across the country to remember the tragic events of that fateful afternoon and to respond in a faith-filled way.?
Catholics are invited to pray and reflect for nine days using the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas. The novena starts on the evening of the anniversary, January 12, and culminates with the celebration of Mass the weekend of January 22-23, official date for the National Collection for Latin America, including Haiti and all of the Caribbean.