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Bishop Lennon calls for prayer for Chardon shooting victims

News of the Diocese

February 27, 2012


The Catholic Community in the Diocese of Cleveland shares the grief of the families and friends of the five victims in the shootings Monday morning February 27th at Chardon High School.  We continue to struggle in disbelief with the horrifying nature of the incident and we look to God to bring us peace and comfort.


In particular, our prayers go out to the familes of Daniel Parmertor, Russell King Jr. and Demetrius Hewlin who died as a result of the shootings.


A special, ecumenical prayer service was held the evening of February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in St. Mary's Catholic Church just across the street from the high school.


We ask for everyone's prayers in order to bring healing to the families of the victims, to the Chardon community, and to the family of T.J. Lane who is reported to be responsible for this terrible tragedy.





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