Some 400 adult Catechumens and Candidates participated on Sunday, February 26th with Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon in the "Rite of Election of Catechumens and Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates."
More than 1400 people representing a majority of the 174 parishes across the eight counties of the Diocese attended the two Liturgies at St. John Cathedral in downtown Cleveland.
The Catechumens---those who are not baptized---received affirmation of God's call in their lives from Bishop Lennon. During this "Rite of Election" the Catechumens presented the book which was signed in their parish, acknowledging that that they have responded to God's call to be one of his people. The Bishop declares them as " Elect," as they are committed to the sacraments of the Church to be received at the Easter Vigil. They will be baptized, confirmed, and receive Holy Eucharist.
The Candidates---those already validly baptized---who are seeking full communion with the Catholic church are called by the Bishop to continue their conversion and during Lent respond to their baptismal call. At the Easter vigil the Candidates will be brought into full communion with the Church and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Click here to see more pictures from the Rite of Election.
Watch the video below for highlights of the Rite of Election: