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Timely video - Prayers for Chardon - Take a LEAP

News of the Diocese

February 28, 2012

Youth Ministry at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick ~ Take a LEAP! ~ Love, Encourage, Accept Pray



One day can make all the difference.  The events of this week make us realize that each day matters.  If your heart was moved, your soul stirred, if you were saddened by the events in Chardon on Monday . . . use this leap day to make a difference.


A week where we've been given an EXTRA day . . . we are asking you to take a LEAP!  Take a jump forward.  Hug your parents.  Tell someone you love them.  Show kindness to a classmate that sits alone.  Help those in need.  Forgive those you need to forgive/  Please . . . .  take a LEAP!





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