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Michelangelo's Pieta

News of the Diocese

March 7, 2012

A letter from the Director of Catholic Cemeteries Association

No depiction of our Blessed Mother is more familiar and more stirring than Michelangelo's Pieta.  Christ the Son held in His mother's arms.  Her pain and suffering masked by a serenity that can be difficult to explain.  A mother who watched her son suffer unimaginable torture at the hands of Roman soldiers and the ridicule of a people who welcomed Him with open arms only days earlier.


A mother who saw her son sentenced to death for no crime and then watched Him carry the implement of His death to the place where the unjustified punishment would be meted out.  One can only speculate as to Michelangelo's thoughts as he created his masterpiece and his purpose behind the peacefulness of her appearance.


Read the complete 'Letter from the Director'>



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