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Watch Ordination Live-Online this Saturday

News of the Diocese

May 13, 2013

On Saturday, May 18th, the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland will stream the Rite of Ordination of Priests live-online. Those unable to join the congregation in the cathedral can watch the Mass via their desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.


The stream will begin around 9:45am with the Mass beginning at 10am. Click here or the Live-Stream image on this page to view the stream (active on Saturday morning).


Those watching the stream are also encouraged to stay connected via social media.  You can follow the Diocese on Twitter at @DioceseofCLE using the hashtag #CLEOrdination.  Also, Facebook users, can like the diocesan Facebook page by clicking here.  Technical information will be posted on our social media sites before and during the stream.



Streaming of the Rite of Ordination of Priests is made possible through the generosity of the donors to the Rooted in Faith

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