Most Reverend Richard Lennon, Bishop of Cleveland has authorized all pastors, parish administrators and parish life coordinators in the Cleveland diocese to take up a special collection in their parishes for the victims of the devastating tornadoes that took human lives and destroyed miles of homes and property in Oklahoma on Monday, May 20, 2013.
At the parishes' discretion, a second collection may be taken on either the weekend of May 25-26 or June 1-2, 2013.
Parishioners are asked to make-out their checks to your parish marked "Oklahoma Relief" on the memo line. We ask that as a parish you collect the cash and checks, deposit the funds in your parish account and then send the Diocesan Finance Office one check made out to "The Diocese of Cleveland Finance Office." Please mark "Oklahoma Relief" on the memo line.
Parishes can then mail that check to: Diocesan Finance Office - Oklahoma Relief, 1404 East 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1722.
The funds will go directly to the dioceses affected in Oklahoma.
Vatican City, 22 May 2013 (VIS)