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Clergy Assignment Changes - June 15, 2017

Clergy Assignments

June 20, 2017

Father Peter Soohyun Bang, who was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Daegu, South Korea on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, Holy Angels Parish, Bainbridge, effective June 13.

Father Jacob B. Bearer, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Francis de Sale Parish, Akron, effective June 13.

Father James M. Cosgrove, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Christopher Parish, Rocky River, effective June 13.

Father Eric S. Garris, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Raphael Parish, Bay Village, effective June 13.

Father Matthew W. Jordan, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn, effective June 13.

Father Robert D. McWilliams, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Joseph Parish, Strongsville, effective June 13.

Father Peter A. Morris, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. John Vianney Parish, Mentor, effective June 13.

Father Anthony J. Simone, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland on May 19, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Sebastian Parish, Akron, effective June 13.

Father Michael Joyce, OFM Cap., with the permission of the Very Rev. Thomas Betz, OFM Cap., provincial minister of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Augustine, concludes his assignment as pastor of Holy Spirit Parish, Garfield Heights effective June 26. Father Joyce continues his assignment as director of the Capuchin Formation Program at Borromeo Seminary and his residence at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe.

Father W. David Nestler, OFM Cap., with the permission of the Very Rev. Thomas Betz, OFM Cap., provincial minister of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Augustine, was appointed administrator, Holy Spirit Parish, Garfield Heights effective June 26.

Father Brian Stacy, OFM Cap., with the permission of the Very Rev. Thomas Betz, OFM Cap., provincial minister of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Augustine, was appointed faculty member to the formation staff of the Capuchin Formation Program at Borromeo Seminary effective June 26.

Father John E. Manning concluded his appointment as administrator of Our Lady of Peace Parish, Cleveland and St. Adalbert Parish, Cleveland, effective June 13. Father Manning continues his appointment as delegate for senior priests for the Diocese of Cleveland.

Father Gary D. Chmura concluded his leave of absence for sick leave effective June 13. Father Chmura resumed his appointment as pastor of Our Lady of Peace Parish, Cleveland and pastor of St. Adalbert Parish, Cleveland, effective June 13.

Father Dennis M. McNeil concluded his leave of absence for sick leave effective June 13. Father McNeil was appointed parochial vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish, Willoughby, effective June 13.

Father Brad Held, SJ, with the permission of the Very Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ, provincial superior of the Society of Jesus, Chicago-Detroit Province, was appointed to ministry at Gesu Parish, University Heights effective June 13 and concluding on Sept. 15.

Father Christopher M. Staab, SJ, with the permission of the Very Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ, provincial superior of the Society of Jesus, Chicago-Detroit Province, was appointed to ministry at Gesu Parish, University Heights, effective June 13 and concluding on Sept. 15.

Father Arthur A. Snedeker, retired – total and permanent disability, was granted permission to be in residence at the rectory of St. Matthias Parish, Parma, effective immediately.

Father Edward J. Janoch, parochial vicar, St. Mary Parish, Chardon, was appointed chaplain of the St. Mary Knights of Columbus Council #15942 effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his appointment as parochial vicar, St. Mary Parish, Chardon.

Deacon Dennis L. Smith, Nativity of the Lord Jesus Parish, Akron, was appointed spiritual director for the Knights of Columbus Council #4664 effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his appointment as permanent deacon, Nativity of the Lord Jesus Parish, Akron.

Deacon Martin A. Thiel’s diaconal assignment at St. Thomas More Parish, Brooklyn, concluded and he was granted retirement status effective May 4.

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