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Clergy Assignment Changes - July 15, 2017

Clergy Assignments

July 20, 2017

Cornelius Ssekitto, AJ, was given faculties of the Diocese of Cleveland while he participates in the ACPE Residence Program at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center. In addition, with the permission of the Very Rev. Augustine Idra, AJ, regional superior of the Missionary Order of the Apostles of Jesus, permission was given for his residence at the Apostles of Jesus House, Cleveland, effective June 1.

Father Edward N. Schwet’s appointment as parochial vicar, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Wooster, is rescinded and he was granted an authorized leave of absence for personal reasons effective June 13.

Father Daniel T. Reim, SJ, with the permission of the Very Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ, provincial superior of the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus, was appointed to ministry as chaplain at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland effective July 5.

Father Richard Bona was appointed auditor/assessor and notary for the Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland effective July 1. His residence remains at Mary Queen of Peace Parish, Cleveland.

Father James H. Beatty, pastor, Holy Spirit Parish, Avon, was granted early retirement due to health reasons effective July 1.

Father Ronald J. Wearsch, pastor St. Joseph Parish, Avon Lake, continues as administrator of Holy Spirit Parish, Avon. This appointment remains in addition to his appointment as pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Avon Lake.

The diaconal assignment of Deacon Miguel A. Figueroa, St. Michael the Archangel, Cleveland concluded and he was granted retirement status effective Aug. 1.

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