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Clergy Assignment Changes - August 15, 2017

Clergy Assignments

August 28, 2017

Father James T. Klein concluded his leave of absence effective Aug. 1 and was granted early retirement due to health reasons, effective Aug. 1.

Father Mark A. DiNardo, pastor, St. Patrick Parish (Bridge), Cleveland, received permission to retire, effective July 20.

Father John E. Manning, delegate for senior priests for the Diocese of Cleveland, was appointed administrator, St. Patrick Parish (Bridge), Cleveland, effective July 20. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as delegate for senior priests. His residence remains at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

Father Richard A. Gonser, senior priest retired, was appointed chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Council 7970 of North Ridgeville, effective immediately.

Father Mark Carr, SJ, with the permission of the Very Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ, provincial superior of the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus, was appointed principal of Walsh Jesuit High School, Cuyahoga Falls, effective Aug. 1.

Father Joseph S. Mecir, pastor, Our Lady of Grace, Hinckley, received permission to retire effective Aug. 31.

Father Edward T. Estok Jr., pastor, St. Albert the Great Parish, North Royalton, was appointed administrator, Our Lady of Grace Parish, Hinckley, effective Aug. 31. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as pastor of St. Albert the Great Parish in North Royalton.

The diaconal assignment of Deacon Juan R. Ortiz, Sacred Heart Chapel, Lorain, concluded and he was granted retirement status effective Aug. 17.

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