Through his dying and rising, Christ’s victory over sin is complete — yet we still live in a world affected by it. Despite many promising strides made in our nation, the ugly sin of racism still infects people’s hearts. Today, as our nation celebrates the life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are presented with the opportunity to reflect on the legacy of his life and to recommit ourselves to the Gospel message he preached; that the sin of racism can be defeated by active love and the light of faith.
Dr. King was first and foremost a man of faith. He believed that the most powerful force in the world was love. He also believed deeply that this love is not determined by the color of our skin; but rather is expressed to all persons since we are all created equally in the image of God.
History has always recognized those who by their bravery and leadership are considered champions for positive societal change. Today we honor just such a man — the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — and we take time to reflect on his message of peace and non-violence, racial equality and justice for all. May his sacrifice live on by how we embody the virtues of vision, commitment, courage, hope and love he embraced and may these attributes of Dr. King serve as a solid foundation for our lives today.