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Mass, brunch mark 70th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick

News of the Diocese

February 1, 2019

“Happy birthday,” Bishop Nelson Perez told St. Mary Magdalene parishioners at the 11 a.m. Mass on Jan. 27.

Hundreds attended the liturgy that commemorated the 70thanniversary of the Willowick parish.

“A parish is a place of encounter,” the bishop told those assembled for Mass. “Seventy years ago today, a group of people gathered in a school for the first Mass of this parish.” He asked if anyone was at that first Mass and a couple of hands were raised.

Mass, brunch mark 70th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick

“There has been lots of change over the past 70 years and change is not always easy,” he said, “I learned from experience that as a pastor of a parish there are two things you don’t mess with: the Mass schedule and placement of statues,” the bishop quipped. He recalled how at his first assignment as a pastor there were nine weekend Masses, including two vigil Masses on Saturday. One was poorly attended and he decided – after about a year – to eliminate it. “I got letters and got an earful about it,” he said.

Bishop Perez said the viability of a parish depends on its ability to adapt to the needs of its people. “Pope Francis tells us there has been a lot of change, but two things remain constant: our encounter with the Word of God and our encounter with the Church,” he said.

He said those at Mass didn’t have to get up on that cold, snowy morning to come to Mass. “But you were seeking something: an encounter with the body of Christ – his body and blood, soul and divinity -- and you made the effort to be here. This is the same Christ who walked around Palestine. He has a real presence here,” the bishop said. “There is no difference between the historical presence of Christ and Christ who is here today in the Eucharist; it’s the same thing.”

The bishop also reminded the parishioners about the two types of church – one that comes and goes as people come and go -- and one that transcends time.

Mass, brunch mark 70th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick

“It’s true that we are the church – yes and no, because we come and go -- but Christ is the Church in big, bold letters. If we are the church, then when the last one of us dies, the church will be gone. But the Church is the very presence of Christ in the Word,” he added.

He pointed out that Pope Francis tell us “the Church is in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters.” We are holy because Christ is holy. “We are a part of that Church that stays even after we move on. The Word and sacraments remain. That’s why the mystical body of Christ is present here today.”

There has been a great deal of change during the 70 years of St. Mary Magdalene Parish’s existence, the bishop said. The parish was founded, a school was built and it operated for many years before consolidating and closing; parish organizations have come and gone; priests/pastors have changed and people have come and gone.

Mass, brunch mark 70th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick

“But the presence of the mystical body of Christ here has never changed. Christ tells us that wherever two or more are gathered in his name, he is there,” Bishop Perez said. “But because we’re human, that means there also can be drama. Seventy years from now, someone else will be here to hand on this gift of faith that we’ve received. Be diligent. Give as a gift what you’ve received as a gift.”

He told the congregation that they were sent to proclaim the good news. “Never underestimate the power of God working in us, through us and sometimes despite us. That’s the beauty of the mystical body of Christ in the Church.”

Father Steve Breck, St. Mary Magdalene pastor, recalled the parish’s history and how it has adapted over the years with the once-vibrant school eventually closing, the Ursuline sisters moving from the convent and the old convent being demolished.

However, a terra cotta crucifix that was part of some artwork on the old convent was salvaged and restored. The crucifix hangs in the vestibule of the church to remind parishioners of its past.

Mass, brunch mark 70th anniversary of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, Willowick

Although the parish school no longer exists, the building has found new life with two entities – Head Start and a charter school – which operate there.

Father Breck and Deacon Carl Toomey minister to the nearly 2,600 families that comprise the parish.

After Mass, parishioners gathered in the school gym for brunch. Attendees received special prayer cards commemorating the parish anniversary and they received a special anniversary prayer before eating. There also was an opportunity to share memories and to view a display of photos dating to the parish’s 1949 founding.

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