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Clergy assignment changes – March 2020

Clergy Assignments

March 29, 2020

Clergy assignment changes – March 2020

Father James F. Mazanec, senior parochial vicar, St. Columbkille Parish, Parma received permission to retire, effective Nov. 15.

Deacon Dennis Conrad, deacon, St. Christopher Parish, Rocky River, was appointed deacon, St. Ladislas Parish, Westlake, effective immediately. This assignment is in addition to his appointment as deacon, St. Christopher Parish, Rocky River.

The diaconal assignment of Deacon Moises Cruz, St. Stephen Parish, Cleveland concluded and he was granted early retirement status, effective Feb. 14.

The diaconal assignment of Deacon Robert J. Dybo, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Lorain concluded and he was granted retirement status, effective April 19.

The College of Consultors elected Father Donald P. Oleksiak diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Cleveland, in the governance of the diocese, while the see of Cleveland is vacant, effective Feb. 19.

Father Robert E. Clancy, senior parochial vicar, St. Augustine, Cleveland received permission to retire, effective March 1.

Father Kevin E. Estabrook, pastor, St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish, Cleveland was appointed spiritual director for the Cleveland West Comitium of the Legion of Mary, effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his appointment as pastor of St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish, Cleveland.

Father Michael J. Troha, pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Wickliffe was appointed chaplain for the Willoughby Knights of Columbus Council 2886, effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Wickliffe.

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