Father Rodney A. Kreidler, pastor, St. Edward Parish, Ashland, was appointed administrator, St. Stephen Parish, West Salem, effective Aug. 4. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as pastor, St. Edward Parish, Ashland.
Deacon Gregory P. Hoefler was granted a six-month authorized leave of absence – sick/family leave from his assignment at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Cuyahoga Falls, effective Aug. 3.
Donald G. Brandt, who will be ordained a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Cleveland on Aug. 29, was appointed permanent deacon, St. Thomas More Parish, Brooklyn, effective Aug. 31.
Franciso A. Miranda, who will be ordained a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Cleveland on Aug. 29, was appointed permanent deacon, St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Cleveland, effective Aug. 31.
John V. Nelson Sr., who will be ordained a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Cleveland on Aug. 29, was appointed permanent deacon, Immaculate Conception Parish, Willoughby, effective Aug. 31.