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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic

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Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent – March 9, 2021

Bishop’s Reflections

March 9, 2021

For every day during Lent, Bishop Edward Malesic writes a scripture reflection for the faithful. Follow the bishop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Click HERE for the readings.

Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent – March 9, 2021

Sometimes we underestimate the debt we owe to God and overestimate the debt that others owe to us.

In the Gospel, a man owed his king a great amount and the king forgave it all.

But then this man, newly forgiven a great amount of debt, met up with a man who owed him much less. And he was merciless.

In response, the king called the merciless man a “wicked servant”, reimposed his debt, and tortured him until he payed back the last penny originally owed.

And the final stark statement of Jesus: “So will my Heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.”

Who remains on the list of those you have yet to forgive? Now might be a good time to change that.

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