For every day during Lent, Bishop Edward Malesic writes a scripture reflection for the faithful. Follow the bishop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Click HERE for the readings.
Although we often focus on the individual nature of sin, there is also a corporate component. Not only do “I” sin, but “we” sin too.
Jeremiah in our first reading makes this clear. He says, “This is a nation that does not listen to the voice of the LORD, its God, or take correction.”
While we repent of our own sins as individuals, we must also ask the Lord to have mercy on us as a Church that has sinned, and as a country that has sinned.
If we do not repent, we end up divided instead of united. Our focus is taken away from God, the cause of our unity, as our individual desires and egos tear us apart from one another.
Today, Jesus gives us this famous bit of wisdom: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house.” If we want to remain standing, we must stand together, and stand with God together.
Pray for God’s mercy on us as a people. Ask him to show us the way back to his good favor.