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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic

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Sixth Sunday of Easter — May 9, 2021

Bishop’s Reflections

May 9, 2021

Every Sunday, Bishop Edward Malesic writes a Scripture reflection for the faithful. Follow the bishop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Click HERE for the readings.

Sixth Sunday of Easter — May 9, 2021

Love is willing the good of the other. So often, we get it backwards. Love is not the feeling I get from other, or what I can get out of a relationship, it is what I can give to the other. A wife gives herself to her husband and a husband gives himself to his wife. When we give ourselves to something other than ourselves, the joy that Jesus talks about is found.

Where can we find an example of this type of love? We find it in God, who is love itself. Jesus, the face of the Father’s love for us, gave his life for us (every ounce of his life!) on the cross. Real love is not found in soap operas; it is found on the cross.

Jesus founded his Church on this principle of love. He said to us, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” He explained further, “No one has greater love that this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” And then he called us his friends who do what he commands us. Love is ultimately a decision.

I think of our health care workers who became the only family some people had during this pandemic, holding the hands of those who were scared. They gave up so much of their time, working hard and long shifts. They even gave up some of their sense of safety, especially at the beginning of this pandemic, just to show love and to give their lives for others, often giving themselves to total strangers. That is love.

On this Mother’s Day weekend, I also think of my own mother who gave up so much for me. She gave up a lot of time to tend to me when I was an infant, she gave up so much that she could have wanted in order to cloth me and educate me. She gave up hours of worrying when I didn’t come home exactly on time. She gave up so much of herself for me and her family. She isn’t much different than many other moms out there. That is love.

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” In other words, no one has greater love than to follow the example of Jesus who emptied himself of his divinity and gave himself for us.

When we empty ourselves and give ourselves to someone or something outside of ourselves, we find a joy that goes beyond what this world can ever offer. We find God.

Lastly, to all of our mothers (birth mothers, adoptive mothers, and spiritual mothers) — HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. Thank you for all you have given for us.

Have a blessed week everyone.

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