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USCCB Administrative Committee calls for end to hostilities in Ukraine

Global Catholic News

March 16, 2022

USCCB Administrative Committee calls for end to hostilities in Ukraine

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Administrative Committee issued the following statement on Ukraine. The Administrative Committee is led by the president of the conference and is comprised of the USCCB’s officers, chairmen of the conference’s standing committees, as well as a representative from each episcopal region of the United States. The committee operates as the board of directors of the conference.

The committee’s full statement follows:

In union with the Holy See, we call for the immediate cessation of Russia’s armed aggression and unprovoked war on Ukraine that has already exacted a staggering toll – thousands dead and an exodus of 3 million refugees – with no end in sight. We join our plea with that of the Holy Father on March 13 when he said, “In the name of God, listen to the cry of those who suffer, and put an end to the bombings and the attacks!” Similar appeals have been raised throughout the Orthodox Christian world and indeed by many Russians themselves.

We are witnessing an unprecedented threat to world peace. This possibility of global warfare is compounded by the unthinkable consequences that would result from the potential use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.

We call on Catholics of the United States and all people of good will to pray for an end to this war in Ukraine and for peace based on justice and respect for international law. We remember always that prayer is never a feeble gesture of last resort! It is a weapon of hope.

We continue to call on the U.S. government to aid humanitarian access and to support and provide assistance to those who remain in Ukraine and those fleeing the country. We call on all Americans to contribute generously and sacrificially to Catholic and other humanitarian agencies supporting these efforts.

At this dark time, we are united with the suffering people of Ukraine. May Our Lady of Fatima and the patron saint of Kyiv, St. Michael the Archangel, guide all peoples in the pursuit of peace and watch over all those in the path of war.

Photo: CNS/Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters

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