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Diocesan Review Board seeks applicants for four openings

News of the Diocese

May 12, 2022

June 13 is the deadline for candidates to submit applications for four current openings on the Diocese of Cleveland Review Board.

The board is an 11-person consultative body charged with providing advice to Bishop Edward Malesic on all aspects of sexual abuse of minors, including prevention, claims of abuse, policies and responses to victims.

There are openings for persons in the following categories:

  • A clinician experienced in the diagnosis and/or treatment of sex offenders
  • An accomplished educator
  • A survivor of childhood sexual abuse who has completed a course of treatment
  • A human resources professional

Review Board members must be of outstanding integrity and good judgment, in full communion with the Church and cannot employed by the diocese. The majority if the board must be laypersons. The Review Board is described in the diocesan Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, Revised 2016, which can be viewed here.

Review Board members are expected to review timely and thoroughly all information and reports related to allegations and other matters before the board, participate in monthly meetings and serve on one or more committees of the board. These responsibilities require self-motivation and a commitment of time outside of scheduled meetings.

Persons interested in applying should read the complete guidance and application, which are available HERE. The application includes a waiver and release for background checks and screening.

Download the Review Board guidance and application

To apply, fill out the application and send the original and one copy of a typed, printed, or handwritten application and waiver to: Review Board for the Diocese of Cleveland, Sixth floor, 1404 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio 44114, or email an electronically saved application and waiver to Vince Fiamingo at Persons who apply by email should expect to supply an original signature on the waiver and release upon request. Deadline for applications is June 13.

All applications will be read by Review Board members and references will be consulted as needed. The board will submit its recommendations for appointments and supporting materials to the bishop for his decision for the appointments.

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