Father Joseph R. Mamich was appointed administrator, St. Joseph Parish, Strongsville, effective Nov. 1, concluding Jan. 15, 2024. This assignment is in addition to his appointment as secretary and vicar for clergy and religious.
Father Joshua F. Trefney concludes his appointment as parochial vicar, Holy Family Parish, Stow and he was appointed parochial vicar, St. Gabriel Parish, Concord Township, effective Jan. 15, 2004.
Father Kevin P. Elbert was appointed pastor of St. Clement Parish, Lakewood and pastor, St. James Parish, Lakewood, effective Dec. 1. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as pastor, St. Luke Parish, Lakewood. His residence remains unchanged.
Father John C. Chlebo concludes his appointment as administrator, St. Clement Parish, Lakewood and administrator, St. James Parish, Lakewood, effective Dec. 1. His appointment as pastor, St. Christopher Parish, Rocky River and as delegate for senior priests of the Diocese of Cleveland remains unchanged.
Father George Smiga, senior parochial vicar, Holy Angels Parish, Bainbridge was granted permission to retire Jan. 1, 2024.
Father A. Jonathan Zingales, senior priest-retired, concluded his appointment as promoter of justice, judge and defender of the bond in the Diocese of Cleveland Tribunal, effective Sept. 30. In addition, Father Zingales changed residence from St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland to Jennings at Brecksville in Brecksville.
Father Patricio Donnie Aborde Jr., with permission from the Most Rev. Medil Sacay Aseo, bishop of Tagum, was appointed parochial vicar, St. Barnabas Parish, Northfield effective 18 October 2023.
THE REVEREND ARNULFO C. TIPLACA, with permission from the Most Reverend Medil Sacay Aseo, Bishop of Tagum, has been appointed parochial vicar, St. Joseph Parish, Strongsville, effective Oct. 18.
Father Anthony J. Marshall, SSS, with permission from the Very Rev. John Thomas Lane, SSS, provincial superior of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, concludes his appointment as parochial vicar, St. Christopher Parish, Rocky River and he was appointed administrator, Communion of Saints Parish, Cleveland Heights, effective Nov. 20.
Father Roger C. Bourgeois, SSS, with permission from the Very Rev. John Thomas Lane, SSS, provincial superior of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, was reappointed chaplain of the St. Ann Shrine in the Oratory of the Blessed Sacrament, Highland Heights, effective immediately.
Deacon Scott Cerrito, permanent deacon, St. Colette Parish, Brunswick was appointed spiritual director to the Brunswick Police Department, effective immediately. This appointment is in addition his to assignment as permanent deacon, St. Colette Parish, Brunswick.