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Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Nov. 19, 2023

Bishop’s Reflections

November 19, 2023

Every Sunday, Bishop Edward Malesic writes a Scripture reflection for the faithful. Follow the bishop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Nov. 19, 2023

This Sunday we read from the parable of a man going on a long journey. Before he went, he called in his servants and entrusted them with his possessions. “To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one — to each according to his ability.”

We must realize that each of the three men are entrusted with something that does not really belong to them. They will eventually need to make a report on what they did with what was given to them to oversee as stewards.

We should also consider the “talent” that the parable is referring to. In the strict sense, it was an ancient coin, but the English definition of “talent” can also be substituted. That is, a talent is a special ability or gift, like a talented artist, or a gifted academic.

Well, two of the men took a risk and invested their talents to give an increase to the master upon his return. They were rewarded for their industriousness and creativity. The master said to them, “Well done. Come share your master’s joy.” But one poor fellow did nothing with the talent given to him, instead burying it in the ground. To him the master said, “You wicked, lazy servant,” and he was thrown out into the darkness.

We don’t often think of it this way, but every coin in our pocket is on loan to us from God. We will eventually need to relinquish our wealth. In the meantime, we must be good stewards of this treasure, invest it in good causes, and seek to bring an increase of God’s grace to others. The same is true for our personal gifts. Artists should share their art. Great minds should share their thoughts. Poets should share their words. Workers should share their labor, etc... All of us must share the love that we have received in Christ Jesus our Lord. And all of this so that when the Master returns, we can show him that we did something good with what he gave to us for the limited time that we are on this earth. And then we hope to hear the words of the Master, “Come share your Master’s joy.”

Have a blessed week everyone and a happy Thanksgiving! May we always be grateful for the many gifts from God that we have to share with others.

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