The latest stop on Bishop Edward Malesic’s weekly Lenten visits was St. Mary Parish in Hudson.
Father Larry Jurcak, pastor, Father Scott Swinerton, parochial vicar, and the parish community hosted Bishop Edward Malesic on March 1 for a seafood dinner and Stations of the Cross. Different parish groups present the stations each week, Father Jurcak said. St. Henry Fellowship, a ministry for persons with special needs who are high school age and older, presented the stations for the bishop’s visit. Josanne Hyclak, leader of the group, assisted with the stations.
St. Henry Fellowship was established to enhance the practice of prayer and exploration of the Bible. It also promotes socialization and fosters a stronger relationship with God, Father Jurcak and Hyclak said. The group meets on Friday nights in the parish chapel for prayer, song, Bible/Scripture readings, discussion, food and an activity.
(See photo gallery above.)
The Stations of the Cross were written especially for the group by Hyclak and Diane Brown, “with guidance from the Holy Spirit and thoughts and prayers from the St. Henry Fellowship Group,” Hyclak added.
“We hope you enjoy the journey we’ll take,” Hyclak said before the stations.
Bishop Malesic said he was moved by the presentation, noting it is painful to be exposed like Jesus was when he was stripped of his clothing before the Crucifixion. “I might not know your stories, but every one of us has a story and a cross to bear.”
He shared how as a teenager, he was drawn to the Stations of the Cross, noting they are a simple, yet powerful method of prayer.
“The people who presented the stations tonight are very special to us. Remember, we all have story and Jesus wants to be part of our story. We should make our way of the cross his way of the cross.”
After the stations, members of St. Henry Fellowship presented the bishop with a painting depicting the cover of the worship aid for the stations – a simple cross with the crown of thorns against a blue, cloudy background.
The bishop enjoyed a seafood dinner prepared by the St. Mary Men’s Club before stations. He also visited other diners, those waiting for take-out orders and the Men’s Club volunteers.
Father Jurcak said the club has sponsored the Lenten dinners for 40 years and serves about 800 dinners on an average Lenten Friday. Dinner proceeds are used for a variety of things, including scholarships, Life Teen, priest gifts, support for vocations, club activities, donations for charitable needs including Ukraine relief, Habitat for Humanity and the Peter Maurin Center, and other parish needs.