Every day of Lent, Bishop Edward Malesic writes a Scripture reflection for the faithful. Follow the bishop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Click HERE for the readings.
Our society often wants us to bow down before the altar of falsehood, like the king in the Old Testament reading who wanted Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego to bow down before the idols of false gods.
Jesus brings a culture of life. In opposition to Jesus, our society promotes the culture of death (abortion, euthanasia, abortifacient birth control, the death penalty, etc. . . ). Our Church holds up the peace and purity of Jesus as the way to happiness. Too much of our culture holds up violent video games, pornography, and angry ideologies as a new normal.
Those who are swayed by popular culture want us to be silent about what we believe and know to be true. They would have us bow down to trends, surveys, polls, and imposed mandates that violate our deeply held religious convictions.
Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego determined not to give in to the king and the pagan culture of their day. Because of their convictions, they were thrown into the fiery furnace. Even then they would not bend their knee to an idol. And what happened? The Son of Man danced with them.
As Christians, we know that the world will not always approve of what we say, what we believe, what we teach, and how we live out our faith. Jesus even promised that the world would reject us. Yet, we find the freedom that comes from Jesus to do what the Lord asks us to do – to follow him. And, we believe, like Shadrak, Meshak, and Abednego, Jesus rejoices with us.