About 30 members of the Parents of Priests of the Diocese of Cleveland continued their tradition of attending Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. Bishop Edward Malesic, celebrant for the liturgy, hosted the group for a reception in the cathedral rectory parlor after Mass on March 24.
Lou Trenta, POP president, said the reception has been a longstanding event on the group’s calendar. The organization is marking its 50th anniversary this year, he added.
(See photo gallery above.)
After Mass, the group posed for a photo with the bishop in the cathedral.
He joined them in the parlor for refreshments and updated them on diocesan events, especially things affecting their priest sons, and answered questions.
They meet regularly during the year, said Trenta. He and his wife Micki, who serves as the organization’s secretary, are the parents of Father Chris Trenta, a faculty member at Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology.
The organization seeks to gather parents together for mutual support and in support of the vocation of their priest sons. POP also promotes the wellbeing of the diocesan seminaries directly by moral and material support and indirectly by assisting the educational interests of the seminarians.
Membership in the group is open to all diocesans residents whose sons are priests, regardless of where they serve. Members include parents of diocesan as well as religious order priests. Activities throughout the year include gathering for Mass and socials including a picnic and the Palm Sunday reception, raising funds, sending birthday gifts to seminarians during the month of their birthdays and assisting with the needs of seminarians. They also honor prayer requests.