Clergy and guests from across the eight-county Diocese of Cleveland gathered May 21 at St. Basil the Great Church in Brecksville for the annual jubilee Mass celebrating the 60th, 50th, 40th and 25th anniversaries of ordination for diocesan priests.
Bishop Edward Malesic was the celebrant. Auxiliary Bishop Michael Woost – who celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination – was among the concelebrants, along with Bishop emeritus Martin Amos, retired bishop of Davenport, Iowa and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus Roger Gries, OSB. Seminarians from Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology served the liturgy and two of the newly ordained transitional deacons, Jeffrey Lindholm and Christopher Cotone, assisted at the altar. Deacon Ed Gardias, delegate for senior deacons, served as Bishop Malesic’s master of ceremonies.
(See photo gallery above.)
The homilist was Father Joseph Hilinski, diocesan delegate for ecumenical and interfaith affairs, a position he has had since 1979. Father Hilinski also is pastor of St. Barbara Church in Cleveland.
“It is such a joy to be here with you today,” the bishop told the jubilarians, their guests, priests and deacons who gathered for the liturgy. “I am so grateful for you and what you do.”
In his homily, Father Hilinski talked about time and what a gift it is.
“Where has it gone? Sometimes, I am amazed,” he said, noting 50 years ago he and his classmates were ordained in Gesu Church, University Heights. “It’s somewhat of a blur,” he said, recalling the day.
Father Hilinski also reflected on the words of the hymn, “O God, our Help in Ages Past,” noting how they related to their years of priestly ministry.
Most – if not all – of the parents of those in his ordination class of 1974, as well as some of his ordination classmates, have died. “But they are not forgotten,” he said.
In the Eastern Church, Father Hilinski said they refer to the dead in terms of eternal memory.
“I love that,” he said, adding that time has allowed him and other priests to have numerous encounters with God’s people during their years of ministry. He recalled one Vietnam veteran who faithfully attended morning Mass. One day, during a bad snowstorm, Father Hilinski said he wondered if anyone would make it to Mass. But the veteran was there.
“He offered to leave so I didn’t have to say Mass. I told him, ‘No, I need it and so do you.’”
On a lighter note, he shared the story of driving to the cemetery with a funeral director and his new employee after concluding a funeral Mass. The employee asked Father Hilinski if he “really believed all that stuff” he said in his homily.
“The funeral director and I were both shocked. I said, ‘Yes.’”
As priests, he said they often are privileged to hear stories from parishioners about the burdens they are carrying or have carried. God’s grace in their lives has helped him and his fellow priests provide comfort and help to them.
Father Hilinski also offered gratitude for those who have walked with him and other priests, including family and friends, during their ministry.
“We are pilgrims on a journey and we’re not done yet,” he said, adding the words of a prayer from the Mass, “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right and just.”
After Mass, Bishop Malesic again offered his thanks to the jubilarians for their years of service and ministry. He also introduced the newest priest in the diocese, Father Michael Garvin, whom he ordained on May 18.
Members of the ordination classes of 1964, 1974, 1984 and 1999 posed for photos with the bishops before heading to the Parish Life Center for a lunch reception.
Those celebrating jubilees this year include:
60 years: *Father Robert T. Begin, *Father Thomas R. Burg, Father James L. Caddy, *Father Alan J. Cipra, *Father John J. Gorski, *Father William D. Karg, Father Joseph H. Kraker, *Father Francis C. LaRocca, Father David L. McCafferty, *Father Patrick J. Shields, *Father Robert R. Vieweg and *Father Paul J. Wysocki.
50 years: *Father James H. Beatty, *Father Francis M. Bednar, *Father Robert N. Bielek, *Father Robert E. Clancy, Father Norman K. Douglas, Father Joseph T. Hilinski, Father Kevin M. Liebhardt, Father John F. Loya, *Father Lawrence N. Martello, *Father James J. Masek, *Father William H. Severt, Father Stephen L. Shields, Father Michael B. Smith, Father Arthur A. Snedeker, Father John D. Terzano, Father Ronald J. Turek and Father Ralph E. Wiatrowski.
40 years: Father Peter Colletti, Father Edward T. Estok Jr., Father Robert H. Jackson, Father Thomas P. Kowatch, *Father Edwin M. Leonard, Father Daniel J. Reed and Bishop Michael G. Woost.
25 years: Father Anthony F. Sejba
*Indicates deceased