On the Sunday following the feast day of St. Anthony of Padua, June 13, Bishop Edward Malesic celebrated the closing Mass of St. Anthony of Padua Parish’s centennial year. The bishop stated, “I cannot think of a better place to celebrate Mass … than right here on what could be the most picturesque landscape in the diocese overlooking Lake Erie, a great example of God’s splendor in creation. It truly is a joy to behold.”
Bishop Malesic was joined in celebrating the Mass by Father Ed Smith, pastor, and Father Christian Moore, former pastor. He spoke about the great accomplishment of serving the community for 100 years. “When we reflect on all those people over the decades who came together with courage, vision, and deep faith in God to establish this parish and grow it through the years by worshiping God, teaching the faith, serving others in need, it is remarkable.” He added many times when we think of “church,” we think of bricks and mortar. “But, my dear sisters and brothers, this sacred place in which we celebrate today was built by solid, stalwart, ‘living stones,’ people like you and me, who offered up their time, talent, and resources not just for their generation but for future generations.”
Bishop Malesic enjoyed the hospitality of the parish following the Mass, as well as meeting and greeting parishioners and the meaningful conversations he had with many of them. “St. Anthony Parish stands today as a beacon of light and hope on the banks of Lake Erie. Like every parish, it takes many talented people ‒ clergy, consecrated religious and, most especially, lay people ‒ working together to make the parish a vibrant place with a sharp focus on bringing people closer to Christ,” he said. “Thanks to all of you ‒ everyone who had and continues to have any part in keeping this wonderful house of the Lord vibrant.”