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Clergy assignment changes – July 2024

Clergy Assignments

July 22, 2024

The Reverend Vincent J. Hawk concludes his assignment as Administrator, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Avon and has been appointed Pastor, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Avon effective July 1, 2024. This appointment is in addition his to assignment as Pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, Avon. His residence remains unchanged.

The Reverend Sean P. Ralph has been granted permission to participate in the Roman Sabbatical Program effective January 13, 2025 and concluding May 1, 2025.

The Reverend Clyde K. Foster, Senior Parochial Vicar, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Cleveland and Senior Parochial Vicar, St. Patrick Parish, Cleveland has received permission to retire effective November 4, 2024.

The Reverend Michael J. Feldtz has resigned from the Office of Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, Brooklyn effective June 21, 2024. He remains on an authorized Leave of Absence for Sick Leave.

The Reverend Monsignor Richard C. Antall has been reappointed Pastor, Holy Name Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend John D. Betters has been reappointed Pastor, St. John of the Cross Parish, Euclid for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Pastor, SS. Robert and William Parish, Euclid.

The Reverend Zvonko Blasko has been reappointed Pastor, St. Paul Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Gary D. Chmura has been reappointed Pastor, St. Adalbert Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Pastor, Our Lady of Peace Parish, Cleveland.

The Reverend Peter Colletti has been reappointed Pastor, St. Eugene Parish, Cuyahoga Falls for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Kevin E. Estabrook has been reappointed Pastor, St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Barry T. Gearing has been reappointed Pastor, St. John Neumann Parish, Strongsville for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Michael K. Gurnick has been reappointed Pastor, St. Patrick Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Administrator, St. Malachi Parish, Cleveland.

The Reverend Edward T. Holland has been reappointed Pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Columbia Station for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The James M. Roach has been reappointed Pastor, St. John Cantius Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend John P. Singler has been reappointed Pastor, St. Mary Parish, Berea for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend William A. Smith has been reappointed Pastor, Our Lady of Grace Parish, Hinckley for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Charles F. Strebler has been reappointed Pastor, Holy Spirit Parish, Avon Lake for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend David R. Trask has been reappointed Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Oberlin for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Pastor, St. Patrick Parish, Wellington.

The Reverend Michael J. Troha has been reappointed Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Willoughby for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Wickliffe.

The Reverend Adam A. Zajac has been reappointed Pastor, St. Mark Parish, Cleveland for a renewable six year term effective immediately. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Pastor, St. Mel Parish, Cleveland.

The Reverend Christopher J. Zerucha has been reappointed Pastor, St. Bernard Parish, Akron and Pastor, St. Mary Parish, Akron for a renewable six year term effective immediately.

The Reverend Louis H. Thomas has been appointed Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Council 14111 effective immediately. His assignment as Pastor, St. Andrew the Apostles Parish, Norton and Pastor, Prince of Peace Parish, Norton remains unchanged.

The Reverend Michael Marcelli, with permission from the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, has been appointed Parochial Vicar, St. Sebastian Parish, Akron effective July 1, 2024.

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