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Diocesan schools, teachers honored with Thomas Edison Award for STEM education excellence

News of the Diocese

September 5, 2024

Diocesan schools, teachers honored with Thomas Edison Award for STEM education excellence

Eleven elementary schools in the Diocese of Cleveland and 156 teachers were among the 40 schools and 436 teachers statewide to receive the Governors Thomas Edison Award for Excellence in STEM Education and Student Research for their accomplishments in the 2023-2024 school year.

Each school will receive a special governor’s award certificate and each teacher will receive a complementary membership to the Ohio Academy of Science. The Office of Technology Investments, the Ohio Department of Development, funded the program.

Schools in the diocese that received the award are: St. Sebastian, Akron; Holy Trinity, Avon; St. Raphael, Bay Village; St. Ambrose, Brunswick; St. Mary, Chardon; St. Adalbert, Cleveland; St. Mary, Elyria; St. Francis Xavier, Medina; St. Peter, North Ridgeville; Incarnate Word Academy, Parma Heights and St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Wooster.

The following teachers, listed by school, also were honored.

St. Sebastian: Allyn Rose, Anne Riede, Cassie Laube, Christina Friedl, Debra Landis, Giana D'Andrea, Jennifer Bradley, Jennifer Kidder, Jennifer Slegus, Jennifer Smee, Karen Swartz, Kathy Cardarelli, Kristin Dekatch, Lesley Starcher, Maggi Blischak, Mary Heffern, Mary Weitzel, Megan Sanford, Michele Kellner, Michelle Antochow, Molly Burns, Robert Dedinsky and Sue Vernon.

Holy Trinity: Amy Akosi, Carolyn Triplett, Jean Spinazze, Laura Waltos, Matt Hess, Nancy Wild, Renee Hilditch, Sandy Gorenc, Sara Martin, Sharon Lynch and Tera Cowdin.

St. Raphael: Amy Shell, Andre Ruda, Ellen Skonce, Jenna Clancy, Madeline Bain, Michelle Wise, Nathaniel Tosi and Nicole Graf.

St. Ambrose: Angelo Gasparro, Ashley Suts, Caitlin Hirsch, Cheryl Kubas, Devon McMackin, Jennifer Collins, Joyce McCarthy-Reed, Julia Kinley, Kelly Thompson, Kimberly Baga, Laurie Hamzik, Maria Grama, Mariah Wood, Mark Russo, Michelle Dietrich, Nicole Shreve, Rachel Buttitta, Rachel Robson, Rebecca Shultz, Scott Verba, Stacey Gove, Susan Kautzman, Wendy Parente and Wesleigh Stryker.

St. Mary, Chardon: Angel Emlaw, David Petrovic, Donna Henry, Ericka Cardenas, Ken Krsolovic, Korina Miljak, Lee Ann Tamburrino, Linda Flynn, Marie Lisachenko, Maryann Marra, Megan Tracy, Patrick Gannon, Rachel Arthur, Sarah Allin and Thersa Merkle.

St. Adalbert: Curtis Bixenstine

St. Mary, Elyria: Angie Pluta, Kerry Faris, Laura Chaves, Laura Krese, Lauren Weis, Leah Bjorn, Marita Leachko, Melissa Guenther, Miranda Faudress, Natalie Kelley, Natalie Popelka, Peggy Quinn, Rebecca Calmer, Rhonda Kloock, Sharon Urig and Zoey Vargo.

St. Francis Xavier: Beth Keany, Carly Grey, Christa Borling, Christina Bresnahan, Colleen O'Brien, Elizabeth Cobb, Haley Grunau, Kaitlin Gesicki, Karen Fravel, Kelly Carlin, Kristin Musacchio, Lisa Zelenka, Mary McAllister, Megan Sawyer, Nick Burns, Pam Bugner, Sam Ziemer, Sara Anthony, Stephanie Baker and Stephanie Novicky.

St. Peter: Janis Van Dyke

Incarnate Word Academy: Adam Havel, Aimee Shipley, Anne Hribar, Cheryl DelBane, Claire Kovacs, Debbie Schieferle, Elizabeth Grusenmeyer, Emily Ruffing, Hannah Cajka, Hannah DeLuca, Jake Halusker, Jessica Battaglia, Jill Rolle, Karen Micheli, Katie Cuevas, Kelly Foraker, Kim Stieglemeyer, Kim Vacanti, Linda Harb, Lois Albert, Mallory Marsico, Mary Beth Schram, Rebecca Zullo, Stacy Shalala, Sue Szabo, Theresa Havanec-Davey and Traci Borden.

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception: Alison Eby, Alli Bureau, Ashley Chittenden, Darryl Woods, James Clark, Laura Marvin, Mary Boyer, Michael Seifried, Sherri Metcalf and Theresa Williams.

The criteria for the Thomas Edison Award for Excellence are:

  • Conduct a local science fair with 12 or more students and have two or more of these students participate in the District Science Day or have six or more students participate in the District Science Day if local one was not conducted.
  • Students must participate in at least one more youth science opportunity beyond the classroom.

The Ohio Academy of Science defines STEM education as both the mastery and integration of science technology, engineering and mathematics for all PK-12 students. It incorporates scientific inquiry and technological design through student-focused, project-based curricula to develop skills of communication, teamwork/collaboration, creativity/innovation, critical thinking and problem solving.

First established in 1985, the Governor’s Thomas Edison Awards recognize Ohio schools and teachers who stimulate scientific student research and technological design and extend experiential opportunities beyond traditional classroom activities.

“We are proud to honor these schools and teachers for preparing students for the future through application-based learning,” said Michael E. Woytek, the academy’s executive director. “The students are learning and gaining confidence by solving complex problems through inquiry and technological design,” he added.

The Ohio Academy of Science initiated this educational partnership program in cooperation with the Office of Technology Investments, the Ohio Department of Development to recognize schools and teachers for excellence in STEM education and scientific student research.

“Today’s young scientists are the architects of tomorrow’s promising economic landscape, and we are so grateful for the invaluable role these schools and teachers play in supporting their pursuit of knowledge,” said Lydia Mihalik, director of the Department of Development. “Through their dedication to STEM education, these educators are empowering students to become the relentless innovators who will build a better future for Ohio.”

Founded in 1891, The Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) is a membership-based, volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization. The Academy is the leading organization in Ohio to foster curiosity, discovery, innovation, and problem-solving skills. OAS members are as diverse as the science taking place in Ohio, and OAS programs support STEM research among pre-college and college students through the professional scientific community. Click here for more information about the OAS.

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