After serving as administrator of SS. Cosmas & Damian Parish in Twinsburg for 15 months, Bishop Edward Malesic installed Father Matthew Cortnik as the parish’s new pastor during a Mass on Oct. 2.
Father Cortnik replaces Father Michael Stalla, the previous pastor, who was assigned as coordinator for pastoral formation at Borromeo Seminary (college) in July 2023. Father Stalla also serves as presbyteral moderator of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Fairport Harbor.
“It is my honor and privilege to shepherd and guide you,” Father Cortnik told the faithful who gathered in the church for his installation Mass. Several priests, including Father Tom Dragga, pastor of Church of the Resurrection in Solon, who baptized Father Cortnik, concelebrated the liturgy.
Before Mass, Father Cortnik, who was ordained to the priesthood in 2018, and the bishop signed the documents making his new appointment official. During the liturgy, he led the faithful in a profession of faith.
(See photo gallery above.)
In his homily, the new pastor told the congregation that “anything worthwhile involves suffering or sacrifice.” He talked about the Israelites and how in the Old Testament they complained often. They wanted to leave Egypt, where they were enslaved. God told them to travel to Canaan where they could be free, but it required many years and much hardship. They followed God’s orders for a time, until they tired of what was required to do so.
Today, there are many disciples who follow God’s rules and sacrifice to help others, Father Cortnik said. He mentioned those who work in hospitals, who visit those in nursing homes and those who show what it means to be a Christian disciple.
But we all have faults, Father Cortnik said, including himself. “I’m a weak man, a sinner,” he admitted. “But I will do whatever I can to guide you from Egypt to Canaan. I want you to know the love of God. That’s all I want for this parish,” he said.
“Father, they are your gift to me,” the new pastor said. “We will work together to do good things.”
After Mass, the bishop spoke briefly about the qualities of a good pastor, noting he wants to lead people to Jesus.
“Your staff wants you to succeed,” the bishop told Father Cortnik. “A good pastor finds Jesus in his people and brings the truth of Jesus to those who are confused in life.”
He told the faithful that Father Cortnik sees Jesus in them and encouraged the new pastor to “be the priest who wants to see Jesus in us.”
The bishop also explained it is the responsibility of everyone to listen for the call to their vocation, whether that be to ordained life as in priesthood, single, married or religious life.
“Don’t be afraid to hear that call and to answer it. A young man called to the priesthood will receive what he wants from Jesus. You will not be alone,” Bishop Malesic said.
“We wouldn’t be here tonight if Father Matt hadn’t heard his call to the priesthood and answered it. Thank you, also, to his parents for saying ‘yes’ to life and to Father (Tom) Dragga for baptizing him. Priests must have courage and so do you, the people of God.”
While there is a need for more priests, the bishop also said it’s important to pray for more people in the pews so the clergy have people to serve.
“Let’s bring a bit of heaven down here so we can practice being saints for when we get to heaven,” he added.