It is no longer merely a question of ‘using’ instruments of communication, but of living in a highly digitalized culture that has had a profound impact on ideas of time and space, on our self-understanding, our understanding of others and the world, and our ability to communicate, learn, be informed and enter into relationship with others.
-Pope Francis from Christus Vivit - 86
Jeff Stutzman
216-696-6525 x4330
A parish's or school's website is often the first place someone may look to find more information. A well designed website can make a great first impression, while a poorly designed one can frustrate or turn off a prospective parishioner or parent.
Video streaming offers parishes and schools a unique way to connect with the faithful online. From Masses and prayer services to special events and more, online streaming can expand the reach of your liturgical and special events.
Social media can provide parishes and schools the ability to connect with their audience on a variety of levels. From providing a bridge to a well-planned website, hosting a video stream to offering resources and updates, social media platforms offer a variety of content options.
In order to help better coordinate efforts to evangelize, share pertinent information and best practices, the diocesan communications office is collecting the names and emails of those who are responsible for social media in the parishes and school across the diocese.
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