If we compare our relationship with God to our other relationships, we know that we make time for the people whom we love most, and the people who love us most make time for us. The same is true in our relationship with God.
Seek a place to sit, quiet yourself, and learn to just ‘be’ in the presence of the living God. There are many ways to pray, and you can each figure out what form of prayer works
best for your given state in life, but for the sake of your spiritual health and the spiritual health of our diocese, take at least fifteen minutes to be alone with God.
Below are some suggestions to assist with your daily prayer life.
My Daily Prayers
My Daily Prayers is a daily email containing a link to an audio file with a short reflection followed by the recitation of common Catholic prayers. My Daily Prayers are led by clergy of the diocese including Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost. Listen in the morning, afternoon or evening. My Daily Prayers generally take between 7-9 minutes and get you more than half way to your 15 minute-a-day prayer time! Click HERE to access the My Daily Prayers sign up page.
The Bible
Through his pastoral letter, Bishop Malesic encourages the faithful to read the Bible. Click here to access an online version (via the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's website). In addition, the USCCB website has each day's readings including an audio version for your own enrichment. For those who are interested in purchasing a physical Bible, click here is see an approved list of translations.
The Rosary
This special devotion to our Blessed Mother is a simple, yet powerful way to add to your personal prayer time. Need a simple guide? Check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's website (here) on "How to Pray the Rosary."
Liturgy of the Hours
Liturgy of Hours, also referred to as the Divine Office, is the official prayer of the Church. Prayed by clergy, religious and lay faithful, the Office contains Morning Prayer, the Office of Readings, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer. The Office is available in a printed version, but can also be accessed for free, including audio versions of each hour from divineoffice.org. Starting out? Trying adding one of the hours to your prayer routine.
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