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Hiring season for teachers in full swing

News of the Diocese

June 19, 2024

Hiring season for teachers in full swingSummer is officially here, hot weather and all. The start of the summer season also marks prime time for principals in Catholic schools to hire teachers.

“Now is the time that principals are closing out the past school year and gearing up for the upcoming one,” said Tracey Arnone, associate superintendent at the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. “Hiring teachers is the number one priority.”

Tracey said that many of the schools in the diocese are very focused on offering more competitive wages this hiring season thanks to additional revenue sources stemming from state scholarship programs and diocesan initiatives.

Tracey also emphasized that the benefits of teaching in a Catholic school stretch far beyond salaries, because the culture in a faith-filled environment is so wonderful.

Hiring season for teachers in full swingWatch and share this video with someone you know who might be interested in exploring teaching opportunities at our Catholic schools. It chronicles the joy of doing so from the perspective of three educators working at three different levels ‒ primary, middle and high school.

It’s important to note that all Catholic school teachers are required to be licensed by the state of Ohio.

Missy Hokanson, director of teacher support services at the diocese, oversees the state licensure for educators. “There are some non-traditional pathways for obtaining state credentials,” she said. “And we welcome people who are interested to explore them.”

There are dozens of teaching positions currently available in the diocese and those interested can call the Office of Catholic Education, 216-696-6525, X1172, or visit the website to learn more.

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