Mission Statement: Newman Catholic Campus Ministry seeks to encounter and accompany students, faculty and staff to form welcoming communities which invite all into a deeper relationship with Christ.
Within the eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland, Newman Campus Ministry serves these college campuses:
Joann Rymarczyk-Piotrkowski, D.Min. serves as the Diocesan Director for Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
We are pleased to share the good news of Newman Ministry as we continued to work our seven campuses. We continue to develop student leaders across all of our campuses and saw a 60% increase in student-led programming. Students have been active with small group faith sharing groups, Bible Studies, and service activities.
Four years since the Covid-19 pandemic forced students to on-line learning, students have fully returned to campus and our ministries have exceeded attendance rates of the pre-Covid environment.
Our six-person team of Newman Campus Ministry looks forward to meeting the needs of our campuses and developing missionary disciples for our campuses and eventually the world. Please continue to keep us and our students in your prayers.
Joann Rymarczyk-Piotrkowski
216-696-6525 x3226
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