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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic
Offices Catholic Education Keeping the Faith From Our Leadership

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From Our Leadership

A Letter from Bishop Malesic

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Many people in the diocese have heard me say that our dedication to Catholic education through our schools represents one of the largest and most important ministries of our Church in Northeast Ohio. I think Pope Francis said it best when he said, “The education of children and young people is such an important task in forming them as free and responsible human beings. It affirms their dignity as an inalienable gift that flows from our original creation as children made in the image and likeness of God. And because education truly forms human beings, it is especially the duty and responsibility of the Church, who is called to serve mankind from the heart of God and in such a way that no other institution can.”

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Bishop malesic in chiors

A Letter from Father John Betters

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with great humility and honor that I have been blessed to be a part of this strategic planning process for our diocese. Little did I know that when I wrote a letter to then Bishop Nelson Perez, I would embark on this journey these last five years. Through two bishops, a diocesan administrator and COVID, I have truly been privileged to come to know so many extraordinary ministers – clergy, religious and laity – who faithfully work for the good of the students and families we serve in our elementary schools.

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Father john betters

A Letter from Frank O'Linn

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On behalf of all who contributed, it is a privilege to present the Keeping the Faith strategic plan to strengthen the system of elementary Catholic education throughout our diocese. Grateful for our past, aware of our present and filled with hope for our future, we have collaborated to produce this effort, summarized in the pages that follow, in order to establish high expectations for the future and to provide a roadmap for achieving them.

Read Frank O'Linn's Entire Letter

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