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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic
Offices Chancellor Diocesan Memorandum Diocesan Memorandum guidelines

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Guidelines for submitting material to the Diocesan Memorandum

The Diocesan Memorandum is a monthly service of the Chancery of the Diocese of Cleveland to the clergy and lay leadership of the diocese. The purpose of the Diocesan Memorandum is to provide a brief summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.

  • The Diocesan Memorandum will be sent by email around the first of each month and published on the diocesan website at the same time. Submissions should be received by Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the previous month.
  • The Diocesan Memorandum will be limited in length out of consideration for our readership who are extremely busy and do not want to have to scroll through an overly-long email.
  • Please ensure that the information you provide is timely. Apart from exceptional circumstances, a notice will not be placed in the Diocesan Memorandum more than once. The submitting office should decide which month of publication would be most suitable, bearing in mind the publication date and the most appropriate advance notice.
  • Remember who the audience is.  You are writing information for priests, deacons and lay leaders; they are already knowledgeable about the Church.  You do not need to be didactic or persuasive.  For example: “Bishop Malesic” rather than “Bishop of Cleveland Edward C. Malesic;” or “RCIA” rather than “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process by which an unbaptized adult comes into full communion with the Catholic Church.”
  • Notices should be just that.  Keep them brief and to the point.  Use links to web pages to provide further detail.  The purpose of the bulletin is to let readers know what is going on when and where they can get further information if they wish to do so. Double check all hyperlinks for accuracy as well as assuring that the link is still active.
  • Brief announcements suitable for direct insertion into parish bulletins should be clearly indicated as such.
  • There will be no attachments to the Diocesan Memorandum. There will be a page on the diocesan website where links to flyers will be listed (including for events which do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the Diocesan Memorandum itself).
  • Double check everything you submit for spelling and grammar. .
  • Double check all phone numbers and do not use parentheses when typing numbers.  Use dashes, for example: 216-696-6525.
  • Submissions of notices regarding academic programs should indicate whether or not the faculty members have the academic mandatum granted by the competent ecclesiastical authority; and if not, why not.
  • The Chancellor will decide what is included in the bulletin and may edit and shorten all accepted submissions.

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