The permanent diaconate is a distinct ordained ministry of the Church. Permanent Deacons are ordained by the Bishop for service to the Church. As sacramental signs of the servant God, fulfilled in Christ, Deacons are called to serve the Church and the community in three areas:the Ministry of the Word of God, the Ministry of the Liturgy/Worship, and the Ministry of Charity and Justice. Deacons function in all three areas: service in the transmission of the Word, service in the celebration of the sacraments and service in the community’s active love.
Ministry of Charity and Justice is the foundation for diaconal ministry. It involves uncovering the needs of those in the community and motivating the laity to greater involvement in these ministries. As a Minister of the Word, the Deacon is called upon to proclaim the Gospel in word and action. He is to challenge others to a life modeled on that of Christ. As a Minister of Worship, the Deacon assists the Priest at the Eucharistic Liturgy, bringing the needs of the people to the celebration. He also may witness marriages and preside at baptisms and funerals outside of Mass.
The formation program during Aspirancy and Candidacy seeks to:
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