The Workers' Compensation Office administers all activities related to the self insurance program for workers compensation that has been approved by the State of Ohio BWC.
The Workers' Compensation Office administers activities include claims administration including investigation and processing of claims, appearances at Industrial Commission hearings, file maintenance, payments of benefits both medical and indemnity, and gathering payroll information. In addition, the actuarial process of setting premium rates for the solvency of the fund and the payment of various taxes and other administrative charges made by the state are paid by the office.
In the event of an injury, necessary forms which should be in your Workers’ Compensation binder should be filled out. These same forms can also be found on the resources page (under the Workers' Compensation and Claim Procedures categories) and can be printed out.
The injured worker can be treated at a facility of their choice, and in any life threatening situation the closest emergency facility should be used.
All of the Unemployment Office services are outsourced to Associated Compensation Resources, a third party administrator, but are overseen by the Unemployment Office. The Unemployment Office reimburses the claims costs directly to the state and administers the fees and charges with the third party administrator. The third party services include gathering and reporting payrolls to the State of Ohio, collection of premiums from the members of the fund, claims administration on disputed claims and appearance at hearings.
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