Pre-Cana is the name given to the marriage preparation retreat for couples getting married in a Catholic Church in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Most Pre-Cana Days happen between February and early May, although parishes and retreat centers may schedule them any time during the year. These retreats typically are a day-long event and include mass.
Contact your parish first. The marriage preparation minister(s) will guide you through all of the requirements for marriage and likely have a recommendation. We also provide a listing of Pre-Cana retreats through the diocese.
No. Prepare-Enrich is a premarital inventory that allows the couple, with the assistance of the marriage preparation minister(s), to explore and strengthen their relationship with each other before marriage. Couples are free to take a premarital inventory even before engagement. By denoting strengths and weaknesses in key areas, the premarital inventory can direct a couple to areas on which they may want to work in order to strengthen their relationship and build an even stronger marriage.
Register by contacting the parish or retreat center directly.
Check with your parish first, they may not have advertised their Pre-Cana retreat with us or they may not have enough weddings or team members to host their own.
The cost per couple covers meals and materials.
In addition to the Pre-Cana retreat, the requirement may also be fulfilled by completing a Cana II retreat. This program is specialized for couples who are marrying again. Contact our office for more information.
No. There are other options. Again, please speak with the marriage preparation minister(s) to determine which is the best option for you.
Please contact our office with any additional questions.
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