The “Protect Them Both” Campaign been launched in our diocese to raise the awareness of every Catholic parishioner with the message to VOTE NO on Issue 1, the proposed Ohio constitutional amendment entitled, “Ohio Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative.”
Our diocesan plan to OPPOSE the proposed Ohio constitutional amendment that would support legalized abortion beyond the current (albeit not enforced) prohibition beyond the six-week (or heartbeat) marker will continue to increase with voter registrations offered at several parishes and the increased awareness of the essential need to vote “NO” on Issue 1 in the November elections. As always, the Catholic church stands ready to assist and accompany all women in unexpected and/or emergent pregnancies through initiatives such as Walking With Moms in Need as well as a multitude of Pregnancy Resource Centers in each of the eight counties within our diocese.
We invite you to browse through the many educational resources and other opportunities that call each one of us, by our baptismal call and as the body of Christ, to help to spearhead legislation to make it easier for mothers (and fathers and families) to be supported so that they can provide a loving and thriving home for their families.
We want to provide multiple resources within our parish communities, schools, and organizations, including all pastors and pastoral staffs, educators, catechists, all those in ministry and all the faithful in our diocese. We hope they will illuminate the issue so that we can defeat the threat to the right to life which is centrifugal to our inherent dignity as human beings made in the image and likeness of God.
Additional resources are also available on the Catholic Conference of Ohio website.
Where does it say that? ENGLISH | SPANISH
Frequently Asked Questions ENGLISH | SPANISH
Read the CCO statement (here) on the work of Catholic hospitals regarding miscarriage care, treatment for ectopic pregnancies, and other life-saving measures through medical procedures in life-threatening circumstances.
Parish & School Resources - campaign materials, media kits for social platforms, prayer cards
AM 1260 The Rock is one of a multitude of prolife platforms, Cleveland’s own all-Catholic radio station airs several weekly productions that help to build a culture of life. Listen live online: *Say Yes to Life, hosted by Peter Range, CEO of Ohio Right to Life, Sundays at 10:00am. *Pro-Life Weekly, hosted by Prudence Robertson, Sundays at 8:30pm.
Protect Women Ohio is a coalition of groups opposing the amendment that has already begun its campaign and will continue to run digital and television messages. A press release announcing the organizations that are participating in the coalition, including the Catholic Conference of Ohio, has been released. Please see the website to register for Prolife Training, which includes talking points for the Decline to Sign efforts. You may also register by calling the FFL office at 419.535.5800. Continue to check back for updates here for the Protect Women Ohio's PWO Pulse bulletin. - PWO Pulse Volume 1
Heritage Action just released a report on the ACLU's “War on Parents” and its efforts to undermine parental rights all over the country, including right here in Ohio with this extreme constitutional amendment. Watch the video that Heritage Action for American has put out here.
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