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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic
Pilgrims of Hope Pilgrimages

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A pilgrimage is a transformative journey to a sacred site reminding us that we are pilgrims on a journey that begins and ends with God. 

Pilgrimages are an opportunity for contemplating one’s life and for being open to God’s transformative love. It can also be defined as the course of our life here on earth. The physical journey we take is a symbol of the spiritual journey we are on throughout our lives. Every day we have the opportunity to encounter Christ through each aspect of our human experience – our sufferings, joys, and relationships with others. By taking what we have learned from our pilgrimage, we can put it into practice in our daily lives and come to a better knowledge of God. 

What do I do on a pilgrimage?

The journey to and from the pilgrimage site is an occasion for communal prayer or devotional practices. A pilgrimage can also be an opportunity for peaceful, quiet contemplation.

Communal activities may include singing sacred songs, participation at Mass or the sacrament of reconciliation, or praying the rosary. Personal prayers may include the Apostles’ Creed, the rosary, and novenas. Prayers and devotions to the saint(s) associated with the sacred site are also options for pilgrimages.

Diocesan Sacred Sites

Bishop Malesic has designated eight parishes and three shrines as Sacred Sites, places of pilgrimage in the Diocese of Cleveland at which the plenary indulgence may be obtained.  The sites have been chosen to be geographically accessible to the faithful throughout the entire diocese.

The faithful are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to the Sacred Site nearest to them. In addition, pilgrims (or perhaps groups of pilgrims) are also welcome to travel to multiple Sacred Sites.  

Learn more about our Sacred Sites

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