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Why Catholic? Meet Bishop Edward C. Malesic
Offices Chancellor Diocesan Memorandum March 2024

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Diocesan Memorandum

March, 2024 | Vol. 58, no. 3 | Prot. No. C-14/2024

The Diocesan Memorandum (formerly the Clergy Memorandum) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.



Catholic Relief Services Collection | 10 March 2024
The CRS Collection is one of the twelve national collections established by the bishops of the United States so that, by combining resources, we can more effectively carry out the global mission of the Church. It offers Catholics a convenient opportunity to help more than 110 million people at home and abroad through a charitable contribution during Mass. The CRS Collection supports six Catholic organizations (Catholic Relief Services; USCCB’s Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development; USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services; Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.; USCCB’s Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church; and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund) that advance the international social ministry of the Catholic Church. The CRS Collection is taken up in the Diocese of Cleveland on Laetare (or ‘Rejoice’) Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent (March 10, 2024). If you are interested in learning more please contact DSAO Director Shawn Witmer at 216-316-9544.

CRS Rice Bowl
CRS Rice Bowl is a faith-in-action program that provides resources for use in parish and school community settings, with complementary materials for families to foster their faith life at home. Through CRS Rice Bowl, US Catholics respond to Pope Francis’s invitation to ‘share the journey’ with members of our human family around the world, and commit our Lenten prayers, fasting and almsgiving to deepening our faith and serving those in need. CRS Rice Bowl contributions support projects that assist the poor both overseas and here in the United States. 75% of CRS Rice Bowl contributions are sent to Catholic Relief Services and help fund development projects overseas that help increase and maintain communities’ access to food. 25% of the contributions fund local poverty and hunger alleviation programs in the Diocese of Cleveland through the Catholic Charities Emergency Hunger and Shelter Fund. CRS Rice CRS Rice Bowl begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024, and ends with Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. If you are interested in learning more please contact DSAO Director Shawn Witmer at 216-316-9544.

Office for Worship

March 2024 Liturgical Calendar Reminders

The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord on March 25 is impeded by Monday of Holy Week. According to the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, no. 60, the Annunciation is therefore transferred to Monday of the Second Week of Easter, in this case, April 8, 2024.

In the Sacred Paschal Triduum, the Church solemnly celebrates the greatest mysteries of our redemption. Please be attentive to the instructions in the Ordo and the rubrics in the Roman Missal for these special celebrations of the memorial of our Lord, crucified, buried, and risen.

The Office for Worship has received some inquiries about Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the Triduum. In communities that have Perpetual Exposition, Perpetual Exposition pauses when the parish celebration of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins. After midnight on Holy Thursday, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament should take place without solemnity. Adoration of the Reserved Sacrament in the tabernacle is appropriate, but there is no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance between Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil. Under no circumstances may Perpetual Exposition take place during the Easter Triduum. (Roman Missal, pg. 168, no. 43; see also )

Each year, Pope Francis asks every Catholic parish around the world to take up the Pontifical Good Friday Collection to keep a Christian presence in the Holy Land. Help is needed this year more than ever because of the war. Please encourage generous support of the Good Friday Collection.

A special plenary indulgence may be received on Sunday, April 7, the Sunday of Divine Mercy. Please see the notation in the Ordo.

April 21 is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Prayers for vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and permanent diaconate should be inserted into the general intercessions at Mass.


Fund A Dream
The Fund A Dream application portal is open until March 25, 2024. New bulletin inserts have been added to the marketing toolkit. Use these and other marketing materials to promote this $2,500 scholarship opportunity to your families.

Angel Scholarship Fund
ASF distribution update-ASF distribution process documents for 2024/2025 are available here.

2024 Catholic Charities Appeal

Transformed by your love: The 2024 Catholic Charities Appeal is in full swing and gifts are being processed as quickly as possible. A special thanks to parishes across the diocese for conducting the annual In-Pew Weekend in February and utilizing all the avenues possible to reach parishioners. In-Pew Weekend makes a significant dent in our $15 million goal. We could not do it without the support of the pastors, staff and volunteers. Parishes are asked to send their envelopes and completed transmittal form via UPS or FEDEX to: Agilis/Catholic Community Foundation; 2381 Crossroads Blvd; Albert Lea, MN 56007.

Continue to thank your parishioners for their support of the Appeal with a message in your bulletin, on your website, and e-newsletters. Please share the impact of Catholic Charities and the Appeal with your social media followers by sharing Facebook posts from the Catholic Community Foundation. Use the resources available to make your efforts easier. Visit to view the video or read the stories of those impacted by your gifts. Click here to donate online. Email Sarah Gozur, or call 216-696-6525 x1910 with questions or for additional information.

Qualified Charitable Distributions bulletin announcement
If you are 70 ½ or older, you may be able to make a gift of a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA that will help us in our ministry and reduce your taxable income. Talk to your advisors and IRA administrator for more information and to be sure that your IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution gift is made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity such as our parish. Questions? Contact XX in our parish office at XXX-XXX-XXXX or Moira Wopershall of the Catholic Community Foundation at 216-696-6525 x 8070 or visit

The Martin T. Galvin Memorial Scholarship
Who is eligible: high school students pursuing a Catholic education with a parent or relative who is a practicing attorney. Guidelines and the application can be found on Digital Academy or here. The application deadline is March 15.

Tabor Fund Grant Awards
Tabor Grant awards provide an opportunity for ministers to refresh and re-energize their spirituality and faith as well as their mental and physical well-being, fostering personal development and improving their ministry. Direct any questions to Moira Wopershall at 216-696-6525 x 8070. Guidelines and the application for the 2024A cycle can be found here. The application deadline is March 15.


Employee Benefits

Wellness Incentives and Working Spouse Verification Forms
The Annual Physical and Tobacco Attestation Form applies to all participants and spouses who are covered under our medical plans. Employees with a spouse covered under the medical plan with no current surcharge are to confirm their status by completing the Working Spouse Verification Form. A mailing was sent to all parishes and schools in late January. Please remind your employees on our health plans that the forms must be returned to the Benefits Office no later than may 1, 2024. Forms and more information can be found on the Employee Benefits website. Please contact the Employee Benefits Office, at (216) 696-6525, ext. 5040 or email with any questions.


Since late October, our Diocese has been privileged to welcome six international priests. They have come here to serve in the Diocese as parochial vicars or hospital chaplain. In doing so, our Diocese has a chance to be enriched by their presence, while they have a chance to support their home dioceses. Their religious superiors or bishops have developed a personal relationship with Bishop Malesic. They are here on R-1 Religious Worker visas which allow them to minister in the United States for a 30-month term, which can be renewed once for a total of 5 years. You will be seeing them at various Diocesan functions, and we welcome their presence in the Diocese of Cleveland. Their names and assignments are as follows:

  • Fr. Patricio Aborde (Tagum, Philippines) – Parochial Vicar, St. Barnabas, Northfield
  • Fr. Joselito Clemen (Tagbilaran, Philippines) – Parochial Vicar, St. Christopher, Rocky River
  • Fr. Peter Paul Ibeagha (Mamfe, Cameroon) – Chaplain, Fairview Hospital
  • Fr. Lawrence Renard, OMI (Colombo, Sri Lanka) – Parochial Vicar, St. Rita, Solon
  • Fr. Arnulfo Tiplaca (Tagum, Philippines) – Parochial Vicar, St. Joseph, Strongsville
  • Fr. Paul Wirsiy (Mamfe, Cameroon) – Parochial Vicar, St. Brendan, North Olmsted

Beyond these priests, we remain grateful for the priests of the various religious communities, such as the Blessed Sacrament Fathers and Apostles of Jesus, who have enriched our diocese with their presence and ministry. Please join us in welcoming them and their ministry to our diocese.

Borromeo Seminary and Saint Mary Seminary
Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries are excited to announce the hiring of four new faculty members for the next academic year: Abigail Bodeau, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies; Rev. John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P., J.C.D., Adjunct Professor of Canon Law; Chad Gerber, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sacramental Theology; Matthew C. Jordan, Ph.D., Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Professor of Philosophy. For more details please see the attached announcement.


Disability Services

The International Order of the Alhambra Supports Children with Disabilities
The International Order of Alhambra is a fraternal organization of Catholic men and women founded in 1904 dedicated to assisting persons who have intellectual and other developmental disabilities (IDD), particularly children. Within our Diocese is the Cleveland chapter known as the Carmona Caravan. In 2023 they celebrated their 75th year anniversary of quietly serving the Cleveland diocese, its children with IDD, and the agencies that serve them. They meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month on the near east side. Anyone interested in joining in the service to children with special needs are invited to come to a meeting. To contact the Carmona Caravan and for more information on the founding, history, mission of Alhambra visit Catholic Charities Disability Services & Ministries has worked closely with the Carmona Caravan and is grateful for their many years of support.

Summer Camp Employment Working with Children with Disabilities
Catholic Charities Disability Services will be interviewing college students and young professionals to work this summer for Camp Happiness at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. This is a great opportunity to experience a job that is truly one of service and is personally fulfilling and fun. Camp Happiness is from 9:00am to 3:00pm beginning June 10 and ending July 26, 2024 (closed on July 4 & 5 and includes one week of staff training and six weeks of camp). If you are interested in learning more about working at camp, email Kayti Hedberg or call 216-334-2997. You can apply here (search for Camp Happiness to find open positions).


Catholic Education Endowment Trust (C.E.E.T.) Religious Education Program Grants
Provides funding for creative and innovative catechetical programming with preference given to programs shared among several parishes or schools. Examples of eligible awards: Stipends for presenters, books, DVDs, Online & Streaming Catechetical Subscriptions and Downloadable Materials, Program Fees, Catechist Certification Fees. Applications are due April 10, 2024. There is a limit of $1,500 a year with a two-year funding limit from this grant for any one program. Applications are found within the Digital Academy or by contacting Gregory Coogan.



Eucharistic Revival Resources
Check out the links below for helpful resources for the Parish Year of Revival.

  • Invite One Back: Coming soon. Visit the Revival Resource page for this resource that focuses on outreach to those Catholics who have not returned to Sunday Mass since the pandemic.
  • Jesus and the Eucharist: This small group study is a key formation opportunity for parishes and faith-sharing groups.

Eucharistic Miracles Display
March 10-22, 2024 | Holy Angels Parish, Chagrin Falls
All are invited to visit the Eucharistic Miracles Display at Holy Angels Parish in Chagrin Falls. Exhibit hours can be found at their website here

National Eucharistic Congress | Youth Delegation
July 17-21, 2024 | Indianapolis, Indiana
The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland is taking a delegation of high school teens and chaperones to the Tenth National Eucharistic Congress - the first in 83 years. This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church. They are expecting tens of thousands of pilgrims—but space is limited. Jesus Christ will be there. Will you? 

Teens must attend with a parish or school group. Due to our limited number of spots, parishes/schools may bring groups ranging from 3-8 teens and 2 adults - no more and no fewer than two adults per group. Find out more about the Congress and how to register for the youth delegation here.

Office for Child Protection | Preparations for Audit

Audit season is quickly approaching, so please start planning now. The VIRTUS Local Administrator can run a compliance report to review the list of people actively ministering at your location and make sure they are fully compliant.

Compliance includes the following: completed in-person VIRTUS session; have a current background check on file; have read and signed acknowledgements for the 2016 Safety for Children Policy and the 2016 Standards of Conduct in Ministry; and completed a minimum of 24 training bulletins. Preparing now will help when completing the Annual Compliance form in July. For questions, contact Sharon Minson, 216-696-6525 ext. 1157 or Debbie Morris, 216-696-6525 ext. 1158.


Bringing America Back to Life
15th Annual Bringing America Back to Life Convention
March 8-9, 2024 | Embassy Suites, Independence

Catholic Renewal Ministries
Traveling Charismatic Healing Mass
Friday, March 15, 7pm | St. John Vianney Chapel, Mentor

Office of Youth Ministry
YM Bootcamp: The Propaedeutic Stage
Wednesday, March 20, 10:00am-11:30am | Center for Pastoral Leadership

Office of Lay Ecclesial Ministry
Ministry of Accompaniment Workshop
Saturday, March 23, 10:00am-12:00pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership

Office of Young Adult Ministry
Believeland Retreat
April 5-7, 2024 | Jesuit Retreat Center

Catholic Renewal Ministries
Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference
Saturday, April 6, 8:00am-4:30pm | St. Peter Parish, North Ridgeville

Office of Youth Ministry
Middle School Youth Minister Gathering
Tuesday, April 9, 10:00am-11:30am | St. Barnabas Parish, Northfield

Office of Interfaith Affairs
Catholic-Jewish Colloquium: Catholics and Jews in Times of Crises
Tuesday, April 9, 7:00pm | Center for Pastoral Leadership

Office of Youth Ministry
YM Bootcamp: Solving Behavioral Issues in Ministry
Wednesday, April 17, 1:00pm-3:00pm | St. Gabriel Parish, Concord


[Please visit our website for the most updated schedule of events.]

Catholic Cemeteries Association One-Year Anniversary Masses, March 18th - 20th:
The one-year death anniversary of a loved one can be a very difficult time for grieving families. For this reason, we remember the faithful departed entrusted to our care, and we pray for the peace and consolation of their families in a special commemorative Mass. The Mass is celebrated annually near the March feast day of St. Joseph (March 19th), our model and intercessor for the grace of a peaceful passage from this life to our eternal home. This year we honor the faithful departed through Mass intentions at three local parishes, allowing families to select a Mass location and time that is most convenient for them to attend.

For more information contact Rhonda or at 216-930-4866.


Theology on the Rocks
Fr. Mark Latcovich, Pastor at St. Ladislas Parish, Westlake | Monday, March 11 | Copper Cup (Ironwood Café), 688 Dover Center in Westlake

“Unconditionally Finding Jesus in the Eucharist” Lenten Mission
Our Lady of Victory Parish, 73 North Ave, Tallmadge | March 17-19 | Greg Wasinski, Catholic Speaker, Author & Podcast Host will lead this event | Times: Sunday 4:00 PM, Monday & Tuesday 7:00 PM. An event for everyone, no matter where you are on your faith journey … exploring the deeper meaning of the Eucharist and why we believe what we believe. Click here for information about Greg.

The long running musical passion play Tetelestai will be coming to St. Rocco Parish, 3205 Fulton Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44109 | March 15th &16th@8pm and March 17th@2pm

COAR Peace Mission St. Oscar Romero Day Prayer Service | March 21, 2024, 7:00pm | Blessed Trinity, 14040 Puritas Ave, Cleveland, OH 44135 | Click here for more information or to register.

2024 Akron Catholic Women's Retreat Prayer Changes Things | March 16, 2024 | St. Francis de Sales Parish, Akron. Mother Gabriella from Christ the Bridegroom Monastery featured presenter. See details here 

Marriages of Grace
All married and engaged couples are invited to Marriages of Grace’s annual Marriage Enrichment on Saturday, April 20th featuring apologist Tim Staples from Catholic Answers and his wife Valerie, for this year's event entitled "Spiritual Blessings of Marriage". The day includes 2 keynote addresses, breakout sessions given by Dr. Matt Jordan and his wife Jen, Tim and Mary Ellen Jakubisin from Veranova Health, Luke Brown - founder of Sacred Heart Counselling, Brian and Maria Dean. Fr. Patrick Schultz will be the main presider at Mass. The day also includes confessions, adoration, cocktail hour and candlelight dinner. Click here to register. 

* * *

Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here

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