The Diocesan Memorandum (formerly the Clergy Memorandum) is a service of the Office of the Chancellor for clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese of Cleveland, providing a summary of relevant and timely information from the Office of the Bishop and other diocesan offices.
Eucharistic Processions
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is celebrated on Sunday, June 2. Eucharistic processions on or near this feast are encouraged. When preparing a procession route, parishes should review local community ordinances and confer with public authorities and law enforcement officials. It may be necessary to apply for local permits and provide security escorts, especially if the procession will be using city streets.
After initial preparations have been developed and a route established with local permissions, parishes must contact the Office for Worship to obtain the Bishop’s formal approval of these plans.
The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions is offering a free webinar series on Eucharistic Adoration, Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:15pm. Click here for more details and to register.
Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Formation sessions for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion continue in May:
A registration link was sent to priests, deacons and Parish Life Coordinators on April 3rd.
June 2023 Liturgical Calendar:
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on Friday, June 7. Thursday evening Masses after 4:00 p.m. and Evening Prayer are that of the Proper Vigil.
The World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests takes place every year on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. On this day, the Church encourages priests to prayerfully reflect upon the gift of their vocation. The faithful are also invited to mark this celebration by praying for all priests that they may live lives of holiness and fidelity to Christ and his Church.
Blessing of Fathers on Father’s Day, June 16, 2024
The secular observance of Father’s Day must in no way diminish the primary focus of this Sunday as the celebration of the paschal mystery. However, to provide recognition of this holiday, intercessions and a prayer over the people may be used, and are provided in the Book of Blessings. (BB 1729-1733).
The Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated on Monday, June 24. Sunday evening Masses after 4:00 p.m. celebrate the Proper Vigil of the Solemnity, as it takes precedence over the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (see Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, Table of Liturgical Days According to their Order of Precedence, 3, 6). Sunday Evening Prayer is that of the Proper Vigil. Note that attendance at the Vigil of the Solemnity still fulfills the Sunday obligation to attend Mass.
The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, is celebrated on Saturday, June 29. Friday evening Masses after 4:00 p.m. celebrate the Proper Vigil of the Solemnity.
Angel Scholarship Fund
As of April 16, 2024, donors to the Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) no longer had the option of using their donation to claim a state tax credit for the 2023 tax year. This 2024 ASF Contribution Form should be utilized by ASF donors until April 15, 2025. While the online giving page URL has not changed, we ask that the 2024 form be uploaded to parish and school websites as soon as possible. Contact Fred Roberts at 216-902-1312 with any questions.
Fund A Dream
Thank you to all those who applied for a Fund A Dream scholarship for the 2024/2025 school year. More than 700 applications were received, from which 210 scholarships are being awarded. A record number of schools (50) are slated to participate in FAD, and they are now in the process of notifying their student awardees. Those students not selected are encouraged to visit the Diocese of Cleveland website for information on other opportunities for tuition assistance. Questions about Fund A Dream, including how to sponsor a student, should be directed to Fred Roberts at 216-902-1312.
2024 Catholic Charities Appeal
Transformed by your love – Catholic Charities, in its 111th year, continues to serve the growing number of individuals and families most in need. The Appeal is blessed to have raised over $9.5 million dollars from over 23,000 donors as of March 31st this year.
For the second time, a joint letter from Bishop Malesic and your pastor was sent the week of April 15th. This letter is hoped to urge donors to be inspired by the works of Catholic Charities and give a monetary gift to support the nearly 400,000 people Catholic Charities serves.
Keep an eye on our social media posts and please like and share so you have more access to news, events, and see how your donations are put to good use. Parishes can go click here for updated parish stats and bulletin announcements. Email Sarah Gozur or call 216-696-6525 x1910 with questions or for additional information. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @CatholicCommCLE
2025 Diocese of Cleveland Pilgrimage to Italy
We are excited to offer this special opportunity to join Bishop Edward C. Malesic and Rev. Daniel Schlegel for an 11-day Pilgrimage to Italy: A Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope for the Holy Year. The dates are January 13-23, 2025. We know this will be a spiritually and richly fulfilling experience for all. Interested parties can click here to be added to the priority list.
ICSC Stewardship Conference
You are invited to attend the 62nd International Catholic Stewardship Council annual conference September 15-18, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. The 2024 ICSC Stewardship Conference offers attendees a chance to gather, share common experiences and challenges and reflect on stewardship in the Catholic Church and how it is an integral part of our faith.
Fr. Tom Dragga, Pastor, Resurrection of our Lord Parish (Solon), attended last year's ICSC conference and has this to say about his experience, “This conference has less to do with raising money and so much more about being mission focused. The workshops have been helpful in sparking new ideas for parish ministry.”
Register before May 31 and receive a special early bird discount. Click here for more information.
Health Care Open Enrollment
If your employees wish to make any changes to their health coverage, Health Care Plans - Enrollment/Change forms must be received by the Health Benefits Office no later than May 10. Any changes will be effective July 1. Also, a reminder that Annual Physical and Tobacco Attestation Forms and Working Spouse Employer Verification forms must be returned by May 1 in order to receive the incentives and not be charged the spousal surcharge. Forms and plan information can be found at
Contact the Employee Benefits Office, at (216) 696-6525, ext. 5040 or with any questions.
The 28thannual Catholic Charities Summit County Golf Outing will be Thursday, June 20, at Mayfair CC in Uniontown. Registration and breakfast will be available at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m.
Proceeds from the event benefit Catholic Charities Peer Recovery Support & Counseling Programs in Summit County. Clinical Director Dr. Andy Davis and his staff continue to provide the highest quality service to those suffering from mental health issues or struggling with addiction. Please help them through your support of this wonderful annual event. Express Check-in will be available as always so you can buy your team’s 50/50, raffle tickets and mulligans in advance. You may sign up online. For more information or to receive paper forms, email Carl Bako or call 330-524-4196.
9 Nights of Night Prayer
May 23-31, 2024 | 8:15-9:00pm
Final Round: The faithful are invited to participate in nine opportunities to pray compline, or Night Prayer, at different parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland. Doors open at each parish at 8:00pm.
Ballpark Mass at Canal Park Stadium
June 24, 2024 | 6:00-10:00 PM
Join us for a bilingual Mass in celebration of the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Mass will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic at 7 pm. National Eucharistic Preacher, Father Rafael Capo from the Archdiocese of Miami will preach the homily. During the Mass, Bishop Malesic will bless the diocesan delegates attending the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. A Eucharistic procession will take place immediately following the Mass from the ballpark to St. Bernard’s Church for an XLT adoration prayer service with praise & worship music. Doors and concession stands will open at 6 pm.
Join yhe Revival; encounter Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and Eucharistic people.
Beautiful Light Mystagogy Live
Whether you are a cradle Catholic or have just entered the Church this Easter, Beautiful Light is for you. Join Sr. Alicia and Tanner Kalina for this 7-part series to unpack everything that is true, good, and beautiful about the Mass. Each week, we’ll hear from a different bishop as he helps us see with the eyes of faith what is really happening at Mass. We’ll also have the chance to hear his answers to questions that are pressing on our hearts. Watch live on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram or on the National Eucharistic Revival website.
Opportunities for Indulgences
Several key moments in the National Eucharistic Revival are now opportunities to gain a plenary indulgence. Anyone who participates in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage or attends the 10th National Eucharistic Congress will be granted this special remittance of temporal punishment associated with confessed sins (under the usual conditions of an indulgence). That means every stop along the nationwide Pilgrimage route and the Congress event itself are now even greater opportunities for grace than they were before. If you have not yet registered for either of these incredible milestones in the Revival, now is the time. Learn more at
L.E.A.F. (Listening, Encouraging and Assisting Families of the Incarcerated)
LEAF Ministry offers support by bringing together families and friends of the incarcerated to share experiences, network resources and help deal with the difficulties involved. Meetings are confidential and members of all religious affiliations or no affiliation are welcome.
Catholic Renewal Ministries
Pentecost Mass Celebration
Sunday, May 19, 2:00pm | St. Helen Parish, Newbury
Fr. Jacob Bearer will preside. Contact CRM for more information at 440-944-9445.
Office of Young Adult Ministry
Theology on Tap West
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00pm | Forest City Brewery, Tremont
Office of Young Adult Ministry
Theology on Tap East
Wednesday, May 22, 7:00-9:00pm | Bar Louie, Lyndhurst
Office of Marriage & Family Ministry
Marriage Enrichment: Money Management in Relationships
Saturday, June 1, 5:30-9:30pm | Our Lady of Guadalupe, Macedonia
Office of Interfaith & Ecumenical Affairs
Cleveland Conference of Religions: Solving Social Inequities
Sunday, June 2, 2:30-5:00pm | John Carroll University
Office of Marriage & Family Ministry
50th Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass
Sunday, June 9, 2:00-3:30pm | Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Anyone married in 1974 is invited. Visit to request a certificate at any time throughout the year.
Please visit for our most updated schedule of events.
Memorial Day Masses – Monday, May 27th
Catholic Cemeteries Association will celebrate Memorial Day Mass at various cemetery locations and three parishes on Monday, May 27, 2024. Several Cemetery Masses will be outdoors so please inform parishioners to bring a lawn chair and an umbrella in case of inclement weather. Mass times are 10 a.m. except where noted as 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. Visit the “Events” tab on our website for specific locations and times of the Memorial Day Masses as well as other memorial events throughout the year. If you have further questions please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866.
First Friday Club of Greater Akron
Dr. J Michael Pressimone, former President of Notre Dame College, speaking on: Teaching the Faith in a Faithless World. The Importance of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition | Friday, May 3, 2024 | Our Lady of Cedars, 507 South Cleveland Massillon Road, Fairlawn, OH 44333 | Registration and more information here.
Theology of the Rocks for Adults 40 & Over | Monday, May 13, 2024 | Westside Irish American Club, 8559 Jennings Rd., Olmsted Twp. | Sr. Lisa Marie Belz | Click here for more information.
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Submissions for the next Memorandum should be made to Ann Marie Perkins by the 15th of the preceding month. Guidelines for submissions are available here
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